
Chen Chih-hsiao Heads to Taipei to Protest After Demolition|南鐵東移拆遷案 陳致曉攜母北上控訴

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Controversy surrounding the Tainan Railway Underground Project lingers after the last two remaining homes were demolished on Oct 13. A homeowner traveled to Taipei to protest, saying the government only gave them 10 minutes to move.

On the 13th, the Railway Bureau demolished two homes in Tainan as part of its project to move Tainan's rail system underground. The homes belonged to Chen Chih-hsiao and Huang Chun-hsiang. Chen, the head of the Anti-Tainan Railway Self-Help Association, and his nonagenarian mother, Chen Tsai Hsin-mei, traveled to Taipei on the 14th to protest. Shezidao residents and Pingtung County Councilor Chiang Yueh-hui, and others were on hand to show their support. Recalling how she saw her home disappear before her eyes, Chen Tsai could not keep her tears from falling. She said she has always supported the Democratic Progressive Party, but it has disappointed her for the last time.

Our nerves have been on edge for nine straight years. We never knew when our home would be torn down. We thought a (DPP) administration could make our lives better. We have lost all hope.

A government that loves to talk about democracy and human rights gave them just 10 minutes to move out of their home.

Hsu Shih-jung says the Railway Bureau gave the Chens just 10 minutes to move out.

The property has been sealed off. They won't let us in (to get our things). They won't let us in.

Chen says he and his mother had reached an agreement with the bureau and Tainan City Government in September to temporarily resettle elsewhere and donate their property and convert it to a public art space. The Ministry of Transportation and Communications and Presidential Office were informed of the agreement. However, the bureau ended up demolishing their home without warning.

We had talks with the government. I proposed a solution. The government now refuses to talk to me. Under these circumstances, it is completely shameless for them to forcibly evict us like this.

We asked the people inside the home to leave immediately in order to protect their safety. They had already removed valuable assets. Only random household possessions were still left inside.

The bureau says it is within its rights to forcibly evict residents for their own safety, and it can't uphold the agreement because it lacks the jurisdiction to turn the property into a public art space.


南鐵東移迫遷戶 陳蔡信美表示:「九年來,我們過的日子,就是提心吊膽的日子,不知道,什麼時候會被拆光?以為本土政權,可以讓我們更幸福,但是我完全失望了!」

國立政治大學地政學系教授 徐世榮表示:「一個講求民主人權的國度,只有給人家十分鐘搬家。」




反鐵路東移自救會會長 陳致曉表示:「跟政府和解,我提出一個方案,結果政府在躲,政府不願意跟我協商,在這種狀況之下,他如果又來突襲強拆,那不是太無恥了嗎?」

交通部鐵道局中工處主任工程司 吳志仁表示:「請屋內的人員盡速離開, 為確保他的安全,屬於他的財務的部分,都已經搬離,大部分剩下一些雜物。」

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