CECC Approves Vaccines for Children Under 12 提高疫苗涵蓋率 計畫12歲以下也能打疫苗

The CECC has announced all children under 12 are eligible for vaccines now. Medigen is trying to get a EUA for its vaccines to be administered on children.
To get the lagging vaccination rate up, seniors will get a NT$500 gift voucher if they get vaccinated during the 26th round. On the first day, however, the vaccination rate was still less than 15 percent. The Central Epidemic Command Center has also announced all children under 12 are eligible for vaccines now. Experts say COVID-19 is just as dangerous to children as the flu and vaccination is the best form of protection against severe symptoms and death.
Lee Ping-ing, Prevention Vaccination Convener, Ministry of Health and Welfare: “In large-scale epidemics or pandemics, there is still a chance of severe symptoms and death. It may be as lethal to children as the flu, if not more. So, children need to be vaccinated to be protected.”
Currently, 12 to 18-year-olds can only get BNT in Taiwan. Medigen has been trying to get a EUA for its vaccine for the age group in the hopes of getting data on how effective the vaccine is in children, but its application was rejected by the Food and Drug Administration for skipping too many steps and the absence of data.
Chen Shih-chung, Health and Welfare Minister: “I already told you yesterday. We need scientific evidence. We also need reviews by experts. The review process is ongoing. Materials that are needed have not been submitted yet.”
Chen Shih-chung says there is no data on how suitable Medigen is for youths, and Medigen has yet to submit all the necessary documents. Chen also discussed the lifting of certain epidemic-related restrictions this month, saying everything would be clearer in a month or so.