
Academia Sinica President Apologizes for Infection Incident 中研院立院報告 院長廖俊智向民眾致歉

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An Academia Sinica research assistant did not follow Standard Operating Procedures and ended up infecting herself with COVID-19. Academia Sinica President James Liao apologized to the entire nation.

James Liao, President, Academia Sinica: “On behalf of Academia Sinica, I sincerely apologize.”

Academia Sinica President James Liao apologized to all of Taiwan and promised to quickly clarify the facts before heading into the legislature to deliver a report. An Academia Sinica research assistant recently failed to implement SOPs and ended up infecting herself with the Delta variant of COVID-19. Legislators had concerns that this incident also involved workplace bullying. According to reports, this research assistant was bitten by lab rats twice and went over the head of her boss to report it, but was treated improperly.

Lai Hui-yuan, Legislator (DPP): “She went over the head of her boss to report it, and the media interpreted it as workplace bullying. Was she subject to mental and physical trauma?”

Jan Jia-tsrong, Sr. Research Specialist, Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica: “First of all, there is absolutely no bullying in our laboratory. The issue is that this assistant had a different perception of her mistakes when managers pointed them out to her.”

After this incident came to light, the Central Epidemic Command Center tested the laboratory and found five locations where the virus was present, including table surfaces and door handles. An Academia Sinica report indicated this incident involved six shortcomings, including the research assistant being a new staff member and insufficient training. In addition, there were more researchers who didn't follow SOPs.

Chen Shih-chung, Health and Welfare Minister: “It all depends on the results of the investigation. No level of responsibility will be excluded. If someone needs to take responsibility, then that person will be punished. Everything will be handled according to the law.”

Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shih-chung said an investigation is clarifying doubts, and whoever needs to be punished will be punished. When asked if the alert level will be downgraded after the Lunar New Year, Chen said it's possible if the situation doesn't change, but further observation of the epidemic situation is needed.




「本人謹代表中央研究院,致以誠摯的歉意。」鞠躬致歉,並強調會儘快釐清事件真相! 中研院院長廖俊智13日週一到立法院進行專案報告前,先向全國民眾致歉,因為中研院前研究助理,疑似因未落實SOP而感染Delta變異株。有立委質疑,這起事件是否也涉及職場霸凌?因為這名研究助理曾遭實驗鼠咬傷,越級通報,卻遭不當對待。






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