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Since the beginning of winter, China has been hit by severe weather and snow storms. From Xinjiang to Northeastern China, several cities have been covered in snow, resulting in traffic and transportation blockage. Cold air with category 5 wind gusts swept through Xinjiang's Altay Prefecture from Nov. 10 to 13 and brought snow storms that caused multiple highways to be covered in snow over 20 cm deep. All flights from Altay to Ürümqi have been canceled. ==DOU XIN-YING, Xinjiang Meteorological Admin. Chief== The snowfall lasted a long time. With accumulated heavy snowfall and wind gusts, snowdrifts often occur and impact the transportation and animal farming or people's daily routines. In northeast China, the city of Qiqihar in Heilongjiang saw this winter's first snow on Nov. 10, and heavy snowfall can be expected to accumulate within two days. In Hubei Province, high-altitude mountain areas in the Enshi City have suffered from power outage for days. Houses and crops were destroyed. Cars were stuck on highways due to icy conditions. Some cars without tire chains skidded and hit the mountain wall. ==MEMBER OF PUBLIC== Why didn't you use a snow chain? Thank god the mountain stopped the car. In Hebei Province, temperatures have dropped to below zero in the cities of Chengde, Zhangjiakou, Tangshan, and Qinhuangdao. Many downtown areas are covered in snow. Weather reports forecast a further temperature fall of 3 to 4 degrees. TRANSLATED BY:CHRISTINA LIU 立冬過後,中國各地紛紛出現嚴寒天氣與大雪,從新疆到東北,多個城市已經出現白雪皚皚,交通民生受阻的情況。 冷空氣從10號到13號連日灌入新疆北部阿勒泰地區,多處地區降下大雪,伴隨五級強風,多條高速公路積雪超過20公分,由阿勒泰飛往烏魯木齊的航班全部取消。 ==新疆氣象台首席服務官 竇新英== 降雪的時間也長 累積雪量也大 再加上伴有大風天氣 容易出現風吹雪 對交通運輸 畜牧業 以及公眾出行 生活 都會帶來不利的影響 而在東北,黑龍江齊齊哈爾市十號降下今年冬天第一場雪,預計兩天內降雪量將達到大雪等級。另外內陸地區的湖北,恩施州高海拔山區已經連日暴雪,造成停電,房屋與農作物損毀,部分高速公路結冰積雪,車輛滯留,進退兩難,沒裝防滑雪鍊的車輛更是上演驚魂記,打滑撞山。 河北省北部也出現寒流,承德,張家口,唐山,秦皇島等地,溫度都降到零下,多處市區被積雪覆蓋。氣象單位預報,未來兩天氣溫可能再降三到四度。 記者 施慧中 報導
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