Sentence for Drunk Driving Increased to 9 Years and 10 Months 高雄酒駕男撞1家4口 二審改判9年10個月
|In December 2021, a drunk driver surnamed Huang drove into a family of four in Kaohsiung. Huang was sentenced to seven years and 10 months in the first trial but prosecutors appealed. The judge overtu
DUIs Up 23% Year-on-year in Kaohsiung 高雄酒駕今年前10月逾9千件 較去年增23%
|To reduce the number of DUI cases, the Kaohsiung City Government now offers a NT$3,000 bounty to those who give tips to report drunk drivers.A car crashes into the guardrail of an election stage at hi
黃明昭升警政署長 高市警察局長林炎田上任:嚴格取締酒駕
高雄酒駕釀1死3傷一審判7年10月 家屬認太輕
高雄酒駕挵1死3傷案 檢方殺人罪起訴.求重刑
Funeral Held for Mom Killed by Drunk Driver 高雄酒駕害1死3傷 死者范女今告別式
|A little over a week ago, a drunk driver surnamed Huang struck a family of four, killing the mom and injuring the dad and two daughters. The parents of the victim are calling on the government for har
高雄遭酒駕撞死者今告別式 家屬籲政府保障行人路權
DUI Drivers Caught and Say They Eating Ginger Ducks 高雄酒駕執法 多件取締供稱食用薑母鴨
|Kaohsiung police launched large-scale DUI checks to detect and catch drunk drivers especially tonight, the year-end celebration. However, most drivers who exceed the blood alcohol level often said it
Five New DUI Penalties Announced in Kaohsiung 高雄酒駕者須到殯儀館服勞務 累犯限制住居
|Kaohsiung government announced that DUI drivers should do community service at funeral parlors.Kaohsiung Police's Nanzi Precinct reported 16 DUIs from the 27th to the 30th. The city government then an
高雄酒駕男釀死傷車禍 28日凌晨收押未禁見