DUI Drivers Caught and Say They Eating Ginger Ducks 高雄酒駕執法 多件取締供稱食用薑母鴨

Kaohsiung police launched large-scale DUI checks to detect and catch drunk drivers especially tonight, the year-end celebration. However, most drivers who exceed the blood alcohol level often said it is because they were just eating the ginger duck with a must-have ingredient, the rice wine.
Motorcycles lined up to wait for DUI checks. It didn't take long for the police to catch someone drunk driving.
Police: “You are driving under the influence. (Your blood alcohol level) exceeds 0.25, which is an offense against public safety.”
Police frequently caught drunk drivers in Kaohsiung the past few days after the major drunk driving incident on the 26th. Sinsing Precinct caught 16 drunk drivers in 4 days. Many people go out for dinner to celebrate the year-end. Many of those caught drunk driving said they were eating ginger duck. Some were arrested while riding an electric bicycle under the influence.
Lin Ming-po, Chief, Traffic Division, Sinsing Precinct, Kaohsiung: “Riding an electric bicycle after drinking is a public danger crime under criminal law. In addition, the soup in ginger duck contains a high concentration of alcohol. Driving after eating ginger duck will exceed the legal limit.”
Police are looking for drunk drivers day and night, fearing that some people may cause trouble. Police from Lingya Precinct stopped a motorcyclist who was going to work at the intersection of Siwei 3rd Road and Renzhi Road at noon on the 30th. The rider was found to have exceeded the blood alcohol level.
Police:“How much did you drink last night?”
Motorcyclist: “Just two beers. ”
Ting Kun-i, Deputy Commissioner, Chenggong Rd. Police Station, Kaohsiung: “The rider thought that after one night, his alcohol level would subside. However, he still exceeded the legal limit. The man surnamed Du will be transferred to prosecutors for endangering the public.”
This weekend is the New Year's Day holiday. Many people have arranged parties. The police remind the public not to drive after drinking or to drink too much as to affect driving safety the next day. They also call on restaurants to provide designated driver services or car-hailing services for guests to fulfill social responsibilities and eliminate drunk driving.