
Green Comet Making Closest Approach to Earth 去年發現綠色彗星ZTF 今最接近地球

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A green comet that was detected in 2022 and named ZTF it will make its closest approach to Earth today.  Meanwhile, a telescope captured a blue spiral in the night sky and a teddy bear-like structure was found on the surface of Mars.

A telescope at the Mauna Kea Observatories in the U.S. state of Hawaii captured something astonishing on Jan. 18, a blue whirlpool swirling in a clockwise direction. It faded after spinning several times and the dot at the center disappeared. 

It started as a small dot that rapidly expanded until it formed into a spinning mass. It then faded away after about 15 minutes. Astronomers said it was likely related to a satellite launch by SpaceX, which was founded by Elon Musk. A similar sight was seen in New Zealand in June 2022. 

This time, the whirlpool was captured by the telescope not long after SpaceX's Falcon 9 rocket was launched from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on Jan. 18. An article published on the website "Space.com" quoted an expert as saying these shapes happen when gas in the rocket engine's nozzles is at a higher pressure than the atmosphere and the gas is illuminated by sunlight. 

Meanwhile, a green comet named ZTF is set to make its closest approach to Earth on Feb. 1, coming within 42.5 million kilometers. The last time it approached Earth was 50,000 years ago, so seeing it is a once in a lifetime experience. ZTF was discovered in 2022 by Caltech's Palomar Observatory. Its coma has carbon-based molecules, which turn green when illuminated by sunlight. 

In related news, the University of Arizona shared on Jan. 25 a photo captured by NASA's Orbiter of a teddy bear-like formation on the surface of Mars. The university said the circular fracture pattern might be due to the settling of a deposit over a buried impact crater. The diameter of the "head" is about 2,000 meters, and the two "eyes" are craters. The "nose" and "mouth" are collapsed structures.








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