Hsieh Accuses Tainan Mayor Huang of Bribery 謝龍介指控黃偉哲 向靈骨塔業者索賄千萬
James Hsieh, KMT mayoral candidate for Tainan, held a press conference with a columbarium operator accusing Mayor Huang Wei-che of taking bribes but has yet to deliver its promise. Huang said this is a false accusation and will defend his and the city government's reputation.
Mr. Li, Columbarium Operator: “The mayor asked me, if I'm serious about giving him NT$10 million.”
Mr. Li, the columbarium operator, recalled the conversation he had with Tainan Mayor Huang Wei-che alone in the restaurant on Oct. 1, 2020. KMT's candidate for Tainan mayor James Hsieh held a press conference with Li on the morning of the 7th, accusing Huang of taking bribery.
James Hsieh, Tainan Mayor Candidate (KMT): “His lawyer surnamed Chen told Mr. Li to supplementary issue a payment notice of NT$7.2 million in consulting fee on Oct. 6. So Li wired NT$2.2 million first and then send a check for NT$5 million afterwards.”
Li approached Huang through a city councilor because his application to make changes at the columbarium was stuck in the review process. Li alleged that after two dinner meetings with the mayor, both sides agreed on a price of NT$10 million to let the application pass. Huang invited a lawyer surnamed Chen to the dinner meeting, who instructed Li to transfer NT$7.2 million to his law firm in three installments. At the end, his application still did not pass. However, the law firm sent a statement rationalizing the payment, including a dinner bill for NT$80,000 and NT$100,000 for the lawyer to visit the columbarium.
Mr. Li, Columbarium Operator: “I was compelled to do so. They all took advantage of the situation to intimidate me. They said if I didn't pay, my business wouldn't survive.”
Li knew that he was legally responsible for paying a bribe, but he was so angry that he decided to expose it. In the face of the accusations, Mayor Huang admitted that he had dinner with Li and clarified that the lawyer was present to discuss legal issues, but he left early and did not know the contents of the lawyer's follow-up discussions with Li.
Huang Wei-che, Tainan Mayor: “A lot of Mr. Li's accusations are self-interpreted or made up. There is a serious gap between his story and what really took place, which we regret and do not agree with.”
Huang denied being aware of anything. However, Hsieh emphasized that this was only the first stage, suggesting that there was a follow-up to this matter and he will continue to expose details.