
Askey Computer Corp. Resuming Work in Stages 桃園疫情漸收斂 亞旭.日翊分2階段復工

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As the epidemic situation is slowly improving in Taoyuan, Askey Computer Corp. and Re-Yi Distribution Service were allowed to resume operations in two stages.

The Askey Computer Corp. cluster infection is winding up. Although seven foreign workers tested positive before operations resumed, they had already been listed as contacts so there was no risk of them infecting others. On Feb. 9, Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan said the company is resuming work in two stages.

Cheng Wen-tsan,  Mayor, Taoyuan City:" Administrative staff can resume operations in different areas first. On-site operators have to wait to resume operations until the on-site command post determines that over 14 days have passed with no risk."

The situation was the same for Re-Yi Distribution Service. A second round of testing was conducted on 250 workers in the “red zone” and 17 family members, and six tested positive. Operations in the “red zone” won’t resume until testing confirms there are no longer any risks, while administrative staff in other areas will be able to resume work.

Cheng Wen-tsan, Mayor, Taoyuan City:"As Family Mart has 4,000 stores, it needs to have administrative staff working. Administrative staff can resume working, while operations in the “red zone” won’t resume until we are sure there are no risks."

The Taoyuan International Airport cluster infection resulted in five community transmission chains in Taoyuan with 321 cases. The situation is gradually improving. In related news, Cheng said that although Taoyuan has the highest senior citizen vaccination coverage out of the six special municipalities and its rate also exceeds the central government’s target, he still wants more people to get vaccinated. Caregivers who accompany senior citizens to get vaccinated can receive NT$985, which includes NT$200 offered by the central government and the additional NT$200 handed out by the city government.




桃園市長 鄭文燦表示:「行政人員可以先行在不同的區域,來恢復營運。現場的作業人員,要等前進指揮所確定沒有風險,超過14天,才能夠營運。」


桃園市長 鄭文燦表示:「因為全家便利商店有4千個店面,仍然需要相當行政作業支援,所以行政部分可以恢復。現場紅區作業,確定沒有風險以後,再恢復。」



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