Free Trial Runs Start on MRT Circular Line|捷運新北環狀線試乘 5.5萬人搶搭嚐鮮

Free trial runs on New Taipei City's MRT Circular Line opened on Jan. 19 to riders with e-tickets. The line will run daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Ridership on the first day exceeded 55,000. In the future, distance-based fares will range from NT$20 for rides of 5 kilometers and under and NT$65 for rides of 31 kilometers or over. Once the line is fully operational, commuters in Zhonghe, Banqiao and Xinzhuang will no longer have to travel into Taipei City to transfer lines.
Free trial runs for New Taipei City's MRT Circular Line opened on the 19th to e-ticket users. During the trial phase, the line will operate daily from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Once the line is fully operational, commuters in Xindian, Zhonghe, Banqiao and Xinzhuang will no longer have to go into Taipei City to transfer lines.
I come to Banqiao quite often to see friends. In the future, I won't have to take a detour to get from Banqiao to Xinzhuang on the MRT.
We are riding the entire line and getting off at every station to take a look so we know what the (New Taipei Circular Line) is like.
The line has 14 stations, with fares ranging from NT$20 for rides less than 5 kilometers to NT$65 for rides over 31 kilometers. A ride from Touqianzhuang in Xinzhuang to Banqiao, for example, is now only three stops and costs NT$20. On the first day, some people were startled by the speed automated doors closed.
We will extend the length of time before doors close to 40 seconds at several key stations so commuters won't feel like they have to push their way onto trains. When the doors encounter an obstacle while closing, they will automatically reopen.
After 4 p.m. (every day), we meet to discuss how the day went and what problems (need to be resolved). We know there is a noise issue and will be making the soundproofing walls higher. We'll do everything we can to make everyone happy.
The New Taipei City Department of Rapid Transit Systems says there is currently one train every eight minutes but this may be adjusted based on rider volume. The length of time doors stay open will also be adjusted at some stations. New Taipei City Mayor Hou Yu-ih hopes the line can start running at the end of the month but says more discussion with Taipei City is needed.
民眾 黃先生表示:「常常會來板橋這邊來找人,以後從板橋到新莊(搭捷運),就不用再繞路了。」
民眾 吳太太表示:「我們會從頭搭到尾巴,試試看哪一站, 每一站下一下, 這樣我們就知道(新北環狀線),是怎麼樣。」
新北市捷運工程局長 李政安表示:「後續我們有把(關門)秒數,幾個重要車站,秒數調為40秒,搭乘時候,不用那麼急慢慢來,那門關上碰到也很安全,只是自動彈開。」
新北市長 侯友宜表示:「(每天)四點完以後,我們大家還會再開檢討會,還有哪些缺失(再改善),工程噪音隔音牆再加高,做到讓大家都能夠非常滿意。」