
School Uniform Embroidered Names Stir Debate 台中7校制服僅男生須繡姓名 人本:違性平法

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Taichung City's Education Bureau said that there are 79 schools at the senior high school level and below that require identity information to be embroidered on uniforms. It worries that the policy may lead to human rights violations and personal information leak, suggesting the schools to scrap the requirement.

Students play sports after school. The boys have their full names embroidered on their uniforms, while the girls only have their school ID numbers embroidered. Taichung City’s Education Bureau has found that there are 79 schools at the senior high school level and below that require identity information to be embroidered on uniforms, including seven that specifically require boys' names to be embroidered. Education groups say this may lead to the labeling of male students.

Tseng Fang-yuan, Director, Taichung Office, Humanistic Edu. Foundation: “The subconscious mind will say that males frequently make mistakes so they need to have their numbers embroidered for easy identification. Females are thin and weak, and they need to be protected.”

Education groups say this requirement could violate the privacy rights of male students and gender equality laws. Schools say the ID number requirement has been in place for many years and its purpose is identity confirmation for students in academic settings.

Ke Chiung-hua, Principal, Taichung Municipal Anher Junior High School: “Times change, so we think adjustments can be made so that parents and children can all feel more at ease.”

Student: “I really don't care about this issue.”

Student: “Bad people might memorize your name and where they saw you.”

Students had differing opinions, but generally speaking female students don’t want their identities revealed and most don’t want names to be embroidered. The bureau says it will collect the opinions of parents and students and schools can decide what to do. It will also ask schools to ensure that they're in compliance with gender equality laws.

Yeh Chun-chieh (May 3, 2022), Deputy Director, Education Bureau, Taichung City: “What is the best course of action under the principles of gender equality and protection? We'll let schools decide.”

Ning Hsiang-pao, Assistant Principal, Hong Wen High School: “There will be no embroidery for the incoming 10th graders and 7th graders.”

Some schools have decided to stop embroidering the names of new male students starting in the 2022 academic year. However, they still hope to embroider everyone's school ID numbers.














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