Family of Three in Kaohsiung All Test Positive 高雄確診案 幼兒園.消防分隊採檢皆陰性

Eighty contacts of a four-year-old boy that tested positive in Kaohsiung. As boy's infection source remains unclear, the city decided to expand PCR testing in Dagang District.
People line up to get tested for COVID-19 at the Port of Kaohsiung. After a family of three, including a port maintenance worker, tested positive, the city decided to expand testing at the port. Officials say the family's infection source could be the Port of Kaohsiung, the child's preschool, or a hospital or clinic. A total of 362 contacts of the family had to get tested. The number includes 80 school contacts of the four-year-old boy and 31 firefighters that were in charge of transport. All tested negative.
Huang Shih-chun, Emergency Services Section Chief, Kaohsiung City Fire Bureau: “The two workers that transported the family immediately went to get PCR tests. We also activated relevant response mechanisms and procedures immediately to disinfect the fire station and ambulance.”
Kaohsiung is still in the process of contact tracing and has implemented stricter disease prevention measures. City inspectors visited two traditional markets on the 21st.
Citizen: “We didn't know where those people were going, so we were worried. That's normal.”
Kao Chen-yuan, Deputy Director, Kaohsiung City Economic Development Bureau: “With the ongoing epidemic and recent developments, we hope everyone can be more vigilant, especially with the holiday coming up. Don't taste samples at the market, don't offer samples, and don't ask for samples.”
The inspectors also put up signs and reminded both vendors and shoppers to keep their masks on and maintain social distancing. However, there were still many reports of both vendors and shoppers not keeping their masks on while doing business.