Last Property Demolished for Train Underground Project in Tainan 南鐵最後拆遷戶今拆除 鐵道局一早進駐

The demolition of the last home standing in the way of Tainan's railway underground project began on the 20. Home-owner Huang Chun-hsiang and her family were evicted after a vain protest.
Police: “Please leave for your own safety.”
Police surrounded the Huang home on the dawn of Aug. 20 to ensure the demolition of the Huang's House on schedule. The Huang family is the last holdout among residents evicted by the Tainan Urban District Railway Underground Project. The Railway Bureau attempted to demolish the home twice last year but to no avail. On Aug. 19, Huang family supporters began gathering outside the home.
Due to a numbers advantage, the police did not have much trouble forcibly removing the outnumbered supporters from the premises. However, the supporters were not daunted and kept coming back.Police also ordered homeowner Huang Chun-hsiang to leave the property. At 8:35 a.m., the Railway Bureau took control of the home.
Huang Chun-hsiang, Tainan Urban District Railway Underground Project Evictee:” I only found out my home was being torn down when they told me "Your home will be demolished on Friday. I even didn't know. (Did they give you any advance notice? ) No! They are unreasonable. What can I do? The Executive Yuan said there would be amiable discussions, but they refused and forcibly demolished my home.”
Wu Chih-jen, Dep. Dir., Central Region Engineering Office, Railway Bureau:” The line was supposed to start operating in 2016, but this has been delayed to 2024. The delay will affect the urban development of Tainan. The execution of the order today was unavoidable for the completion of the project.”
The project, which requires the demolition of 340 homes, isn't slated for completion until 2024.
南鐵半拆戶 黃春香:「說你家禮拜五要被拆 ,我才知道說禮拜五要強拆,完全都不知道(事先都沒通知)都沒有。他們不講道理,我是能夠怎樣?行政院說要好好講,他們也不要,就硬要拆。」
鐵道局中工處副處長 吳志仁:「原計畫預計是105年要通車,目前已經延滯到113年通車。這部分也影響到整個台南市的一個都市發展,今日的一個執行,是在不得已的一個考量,整個工程的進行。」