
Man Threatens Self-harm over Grant Ineligibility|高雄男不符無保紓困發怒 欲自殘遭警壓制

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The government's chaotic rollout of a cash grant program for uninsured workers has resulted in numerous incidents. A Kaohsiung resident had inquired with his district office about the program, and when informed that he was not eligible, he got angry and refused to leave. At one stage, he even threatened to mutilate himself with a pen.

What are you doing? Let go!

Police officers arrive at a district office in Kaohsiung City and overpower a man who had occupied the service desk for the government's financial relief program. While the police were attempting to convince him to leave, he suddenly removed a pen from his pocket and threatened to mutilate himself.

He was snarling, and the service desk personnel called the police. After we got there, we asked him what happened to understand the situation. He suddenly snapped, and took out a pen from his pocket.

The police said this incident occurred on May 5, before people could begin applying for the cash grants for uninsured workers. The man went to the district office to make an inquiry about the grant, and did not accept the response that he was ineligible. He calmed down after he was taken to the police station. The district office investigated, and found the man is from a low-income household. He often goes to the district office to see if there are any benefits he is eligible for.

He already receives something for being a low-income household, but he feels that the money is insufficient. When he thinks there isn't enough to go around, he comes here.

The district office said many people are ineligible for the grant, including those who already receive social assistance, people over the age of 65, and those who have been unemployed for a long time.

On May 7, the second day that applications were accepted, the number of applicants decreased somewhat. However, many people were unable to successfully apply despite making several trips.

I'm not working now, because the hotel where I worked closed. I've made six trips already. I don't know whether I'm eligible to apply.

You told me I was good to go with this affidavit and my identity card. Now you tell me I have to fill in this form. How am I supposed to fill it in when I don't read very well?

The Kaohsiung City Government announced on the afternoon of May 6 that it was simplifying and expediting the application process, and all people would need to do was to submit affidavits. Some residents thought they wouldn't even need to fill in forms and got angry when they were informed otherwise. The city government urges applicants to prepare all the necessary documentation to expedite the process. If any documents are lacking, then the entire process may be delayed.



高雄市哈爾濱派出所長 史明儒表示:「(他)有咆哮的情形,櫃檯人員通知我們警方同仁到場,跟他關心了解這個過程的時候,他突然一時情緒失控,從他的上衣口袋中拿出一支原子筆。」


高雄市三民區長 藍美珍表示:「雖然已經有領有低收入戶,但他總覺得錢不夠用,只要不夠用,他就進到我們這裡來。」





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