Ko and Chen Canvassing to Seek Support in Kaohsiung 高雄選戰最後衝刺 藍綠掃街拚場爭取支持
The nine-in-one elections are nearly here. The latest developments in the Kaohsiung City mayoral election included KMT candidate Ko Chih-en launching a music video for her campaign song and DPP candidate Chen Chi-mai releasing a science fiction-themed campaign ad.
KMT Kaohsiung City mayoral candidate Ko Chih-en campaigned alongside city councilor candidates on Nov. 24 in Nanzi District, where they received an enthusiastic welcome from locals.
Ko Chih-en, Kaohsiung City Mayoral Candidate (KMT): “Everyone would like to return home and accompany their parents. That's why I've always hoped that the extent to which children can settle down and work in Kaohsiung will keep pace with the aging of their parents.”
The nine-in-one elections are right around the corner. On Nov. 23, Ko released a music video for her campaign song, which was produced by local youths. The lyrics are touching, talking about the homesickness of youths who head north for better job opportunities. They echo Ko's youth-related policies and appeal to young people to return to their hometown.
Ko Chih-en's Campaign Song: “Let's return together, let's light up Kaohsiung together.”
Ko sought to appeal to young voters with the music video, while opponent and incumbent Mayor Chen Chi-mai of the DPP broadcasted a clip of himself singing off-key from four years ago.
Chen Chi-mai Campaign Broadcast (Nov. 23, 2022): “People meet and part, and nothing lasts forever.”
Chen joked that his singing could affect the election outcome. He recently released a campaign ad with a science fiction theme. It used the landscapes and buildings of each of the districts to show the intersection between technology and culture and Chen's vision of the future Kaohsiung.
Chen Chi-mai, Kaohsiung City Mayoral Candidate (DPP): “Voters who live here and those who don't live here that care about their hometown and Kaohsiung's future have to vote. If you don't come home to vote, then others will decide your future and that of Kaohsiung for you.”
Both candidates made a big effort to sway voters in the last days before the election.