
MOTC Plans to Open Improved Suhua Highway to Scooters 交通部規劃 擬開放白牌機車通行蘇花改

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The Ministry of Transportation and Communications is currently assessing whether to allow white plate motorcycles on the Improved Suhua Highway. The Directorate General of Highways stated that it has proposed four plans and submitted them to the MOTC for review.

Trials started in September 2021 to allow large, heavy motorcycles onto Improved Suhua Highway. Officials assessed that there was no problem with safety after the trials. Therefore, the Ministry of Transportation and Communications is assessing the possibility of allowing white plate motorcycles--50cc to 250cc, normal heavy scooters onto the Improved Suhua Highway. Four schemes have been proposed including maintaining mixed traffic flow in the fast lane, opening the highway shoulder for white plate motorcycles, designating the highway shoulder as a slow lane for all motorists, and canceling the highway shoulder.

Chiang Yu-feng, Deputy Head, Traffic Management Div., Directorate General of Highways: “The first and most important thing is not to compromise safety if we plan to allow white plate motorcycles onto Improved Suhua Highway. So all of our proposals basically regard safety as the highest consideration.”

Heavy rain and falling rocks on the old Suhua Highway may endanger white plate motorcyclists, so they are optimistic about the MOTC's new plan.

Chou Chih-yen, Chairperson, Taiwan Motorcycle Rights Promotion Association: “If the government limits only types of vehicles onto the Improved Suhua Highway, it would be completely contrary to the highway's original intention.”

Chang Sheng-hsiung, Prof, Dept. of Transportation Management, Tamkang Univ.: “I don't think it's a good idea to mix the lanes inside the tunnel. They can create an approximate 1.5-meter motorcycle lane on the highway shoulder. And designate cars in their own lane. Then, I don't think there would be a problem.”

Experts strongly suggest not to mix lanes. Otherwise, it will easily increase the occurrence of traffic accidents. The Directorate General of Highways emphasized that the four plans have been submitted to the MOTC for review. 







淡大運輸管理學系教授張勝雄指出:「隧道裡面讓它變成是一個混合車道,我覺得這個實在不好,路肩上面劃設一個大概,譬如說 1米5的,機車的車道,那汽車的車道也是一樣,是一個車道嘛,機車的車道,也一個車道,那這樣就沒有問題了。」


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