
Taichung House Number Plates Cause Headaches 台中縣市合併11年 原縣區仍可見舊式門牌

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Over 10 years have passed since the merger of Taichung City and Taichung County. However, old-style house number plates can still be seen in many parts of the city that used to be part of Taichung County.

This is Dongrong Road in Taichung's Dali District. The merger of Taichung City and Taichung County took place over a decade ago, but some old-style house number plates dating back to 20 years ago can still be seen in the district.

Homeowner: "This has been here since 1995, which is over 20 years ago." 

The merger took place 11 years ago. In many districts that were previously part of Taichung County, there are many pre-merger house number plates. In Dali District, many of the plates bear the words "Dali City" and some newer ones don't even include an administrative district. Local borough chiefs say old-style plates have been around for over 20 years, and the city government is taking too long to replace them.

Hung Tzu-yuan, Chief, Zhangrong Borough, Dali District, Taichung City: “Perhaps this homeowner here has the correct style. However, the neighbor has an incorrect style. Some of the older ones may have "Dali Village." Some have "Dali City" and some have "Dali District." The city government needs to address this issue.”

Many residents say there should be a uniform format. The city's Civil Affairs Bureau said there were 1.12 million house number plates that needed to be replaced following the merger, and the total budget was over NT$100 million. So far, it has replaced 540,000 plates, and 580,000 are awaiting replacement.

Voice of Wu Shih-wei, Director, Taichung City Civil Affairs Bureau: “Every year, we budget NT$5 million to replace 50,000 plates. After the city and county merged, districts and boroughs may have also been merged, so we're using a very deliberate process to tackle this."

The city government said money is allocated every year towards plate replacement. It is only enough to replace 50,000 a year, resulting in this chaotic situation. It will speed up the process if it has the money.






台中市大里區長榮里里長洪資源表示:「搞不好這邊 這戶是正確的標準的,可是隔壁那戶就不標準,還是以前舊的,可能有鄉啦,有市又有區,這問題可能要相關單位來處理了。」




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