
Swimmers Return to Beaches as Water Sports Resumed 海泳.浮潛今起開放 西子灣.旗津現泳客

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The Central Epidemic Command Center has announced that sea swimming, snorkeling, and other water activities can resume on August 24. Kaohsiung did not echo with the decision until early evening on the 23rd, and plenty excited visitors arrived at the southern beaches at dawn. 

Many beachgoers arrived at the Sizhiwan Bay even before daybreak on Tuesday, August 24; they couldn't wait any longer. It has been three months since anyone was allowed to go in the waters since Level 3 alert was declared. Like the Sizhiwan Bay, many people came to Cijin Beach early in the morning.

Beachgoer at Sizhiwan Bay:” I'm so happy, really. I'm going to set off some fireworks for the celebration today.”

Beachgoer 1 at Sizhiwan Bay:” I can't wait any longer. I've been itching to go in the water.”

Beachgoer 2 at Cijin Beach:”Yeah, of course (I want to go swimming). You get lazy if you don't (go swimming).”

Some Kaohsiung residents worried that the local government would not reopen beaches and resume water activities as permitted by the Central Epidemic Control Center (CECC) a few days ago, but it came as a relief when the Kaohsiung City Government announced on August 23 that sea swimming, snorkeling, and other water activities can be resumed in accordance with guidelines. 

Plenty of beachgoers arrived in Kenting early in the morning as well for some water fun.

Mr. Tseng, Snorkeling Instructor in Kenting:” As long as we follow proper disease prevention procedures, there shouldn't be any problem.”

Snorkeler:” I'm here to do some snorkeling.” 

Some visitors from the north happened to be in Kenting when the announcement that water activities can be resumed is made and they are ecstatic. The latest guideline requires snorkelers to have their own snorkel mouthpieces. People can place preorders with dive shops so they can buy directly when they arrive in Kenting.

Ms. Wu, Operator, Snorkeling Shop in Kenting:” Yes (for sake of safety). We don't profit from selling snorkels; we sell them at base price.” 

Dive shops say that one instructor can take five student divers underwater, and divers would have to book for spots beforehand. Business is currently only 20 to 30 percent of what it used to be before pandemic days. Dive shops are hoping to make up for some losses as the summer season comes to an end.








墾丁浮潛教練 曾先生:「我們防疫措施有做得好的話,基本上都是沒甚麼問題。」



墾丁浮潛業者 吳小姐:「(安全起見)對,我們咬嘴就沒有賺,就是成本價。」


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