Egg Price Increase Creates Headaches 蛋價調漲重回歷史高點 早餐店業者苦撐
Chains Formosa Chang, Louisa Coffee, and Bafang Dumpling are the latest eateries to announce price increases. Meanwhile, the egg price increase on Feb. 13 is causing headaches for breakfast eateries. Also, Taiwan's CPI grew by 3.04 percent in January, the largest increase in the past half year.
The price of a poached egg has been increased to NT$15. Breakfast eateries have been continuously updating their price lists as of late.
Resident: “I'm spending about NT$50-60 now, compared to around NT$30 before.”
Resident: “An egg pancake used to be NT$50 or NT$60, now it's NT$55 or NT$65.”
Some eateries are voluntarily absorbing cost increases instead of raising prices to keep their customers, but the recent egg price increase to a historical high has complicated matters.
Breakfast Eatery Proprietor: “Prices are really very expensive now. I'm repaying my customers for their loyalty.”
The Council of Agriculture said it respects market mechanisms, but the TPP has received complaints from egg farmers that the COA has reflected trends in egg prices. In addition to the weather and avian influenza, what needs to be resolved is the industrial structure and what needs to be investigated is why there is such a huge gap between the production and sales prices.
Chen Wan-hui, Legislator (TPP): “The COA's measures to control prices ended up creating a lot of room for profit in the middle segment. Who received all these intermediary profits?”
Many proprietors have raised prices or are considering doing so. The CPI grew by 3.04 percent in January, the largest increase in the past half year. Scholars believe this was due to the Lunar New Year festival.
Dachrahn Wu, Director, Research Ctr. for Taiwan Econ. Development: “My personal view is that the price situation after February won't be as grim as last year's.”
Scholars say Russia's invasion of Ukraine and climate change have affected global food production, so prices will remain high in the short term. However, there is a chance that the CPI growth for the entire year will be under two percent.