
Legislators Pushing for Amendment to Protect Domestic Violence Victims 立委推「未同居伴侶條款」 準用刑事程序

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There is a public hearing for amendment of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act today at the Legislative Yuan, where both legislators and civic groups hope to amend the Act to protect the victims.

Kao Chia-yu, Legislator (DPP): “Even when we have over 100,000 domestic violence cases per year, there have been only 400 some cases from non-cohabiting partners who succeeded in getting a restraining order.”

Legislator Kao Chia-yu attended the public hearing for amendment of the Domestic Violence Prevention Act, channeling her domestic abuse experience into the energy to help victims. She pushed for the mutatis mutandis application of criminal procedures to the"Non-Cohabiting Partners Provision" with another legislator Fan Yun. They hope the amendment can compensate for current deficiencies in enforcement.

Fan Yun, Legislator (DPP): “Criminal procedures do not readily apply to the provision for non-cohabiting partners; as such, when victims report to the police, the police cannot arrest or interrogate them, and the judge cannot detain them under preventative purposes either. In other words, there is no way to immediately stop violent behavior. ”

As the domestic violence cases involving non-cohabiting partners increase year by year, tripling in five years, where police cannot forcefully intervene to handle such cases, civic groups have called for the same protection and rights for non-cohabiting partners as those accorded to cohabited partners and married couples. The National Police Agency of the Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Justice responds with support in the direction of amending the law by the Ministry of Health and Welfare; however, judges in the Judicial Yuan seem to have different opinions.

Lin Yen-jun, Lead Prosecutor, Dept. for Prosecutorial Affairs, Ministry of Justice: “The Ministry of Justice supports this direction because if there are applicable procedures, in the future prosecutors handling such matters will have a legal basis for issuing emergency orders or other measures.”

Wen Jia-chien, Criminal Court Judge, Judicial Yuan: “Non-cohabiting partners may have very widespread partners hence situations may be quite diverse. If we apply criminal procedures directly, we may violate the modest and restrained principles under criminal law.”

The draft amendment for the Domestic Violence Prevention Act proposed by the Ministry of Health and Welfare has been delivered to the Executive Yuan, which will begin a review on Sept. 14 and will hold cross-departmental meetings to deliberate. Once confirmed, the amendment will be submitted to the Legislative Yuan for the actual review. Fan Yun noted that she will also propose her own version of the amendment to more fully protect victims of violence in intimate relationships. 











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