Sakuliu Issued Statement, Denying Accusations of Sexual Assaults 國家文藝獎得主撒古流 發聲明駁斥涉性侵

Highly-acclaimed artist Sakuliu Pavavaljung issued a statement on Facebook, denying accusations of sexual assaults and other offenses made by his assistant.
National Award for Arts winner Sakaliu Pavavaljung has been accused of sexual assault. His accuser, a 19-year-old woman, says she was sexually assaulted by Sakaliu after taking a job as his assistant in February. On the 23rd, Sakaliu's office posted a statement on Facebook, accusing a male friend of the woman of stirring the pot and saying the woman returned to work after the alleged incident took place. The statement also said the woman continued to get paid, which shows her claim couldn't possibly be true. The office also released screencaps of a Line conversation saying it possibly wasn't the woman's decision to go public, and that the two sides have sat down for talks twice. The statement closed by refuting the woman's claim and said there would be no further comment until the judicial investigation starts. According to reports, Sakaliu and his inner circle are pressuring the victim to recant via the Taipei Fine Arts Museum.
Sakaliu's Roommate: “Like the statement or whatever?”
Ms. C: “Right. The museum had to handle the situation because some of the information -- they asked us to do this. I know I can't call. I know I can't, but I'm being forced to by the Taipei Fine Arts Museum. ”
Taipei City Councilor Huang Yu-fen and the woman's legal team have released recordings of a phone conversation between the woman and Sakaliu's roommate and are calling for the museum's role to be investigated. They also called on the museum to clarify its involvement.
Huang Yu-chung, Lawyer: “What role did Taipei Fine Arts Museum play in20all this? Is it appropriate for Mr. Sakaliu to represent Taiwan and for the government to spend so much money to send him to the Venice Biennale?”
Huang Yu-fen, Taipei City Councilor: “The government is spending over NT$30 million to send (Sakaliu) to the Venice Biennale. Sending an accused sex offender who is still under investigation to the Venice Biennale (is like) putting him on an international stage.”
In a statement, the museum said prosecutors are investigating the case and it will cooperate with the investigation. It also said it did not place undue pressure on the victim and it will seek legal redress.
台灣知名藝術家、國家文藝獎得主撒古流.巴瓦瓦隆,被指控涉入性平相關案件,一名19歲女性,今年2月前往屏東大社部落,擔任撒古流助手,結果疑似遭遇性侵。事件爆發後,到昨(23)日晚間,臉書帳號 Sakuliu 工作室發出一份署名為撒古流的聲明。先回應網路文章影射的性侵案,指出女主角的男性友人介入,後續女主角還回來協助工作,也支付薪水,認為沒有受性侵的可能。同時提出Line對話,認為事件可能不是女主角意願,而在事發後有經過兩次協調,聲明最後,再次堅持清白,會在司法調查時說明。但聲明中說不再對外詳述,結果又傳出撒古流和親友,疑似以北美館名義向受害者施壓。
撒古流同居人: 「就是聲明書還是什麼的?」
C女 :「對對對,那個是館方必須要處理的這件事情,那因為有這些訊息,那比較要求我們要做這些事情,我知道我不能打,也不可以打,但是我這次是被北美館逼到一個狀態。」