
Kinmen Announces Subsidies, Vouchers 金門率先宣布 發現金.振興券各3千元紓困

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The Kinmen County Government has announced to grant a subsidy of NT$3,000 cash to each of its resident, on top of an additional NT$3,000 in stimulus vouchers. Meanwhile, lawmakers have urged the central government to distribute vouchers that don't require citizens to hand over cash first.  

With no end in sight to the pandemic, Kinmen County has announced cash subsidies of NT$3,000 and an additional NT$3,000 in stimulus vouchers. Combined with its earlier bailout program for low-income families, the county is spending NT$900 million to help residents.

Yang Cheng-wu, Kinmen County Magistrate:"In other words, every resident will receive NT$6,000. They can use the funds to pay their bills or help stimulate the economy."

Kinmen Resident:"Apart from the money, (the government) has to think about stimulating the economy. Some people might simply stick the money in the bank account, which doesn't do the economy any good." 

Although the Taoyuan City Council recently approved a distribution of NT$5,000 to residents, Taoyuan City Mayor Cheng Wen-tsan says the city doesn't have the funds for this. Instead, his administration is promoting NT$200 market vouchers. Residents had to register for the voucher raffle in May and the raffle will be held on Aug. 2. The vouchers can only be used at designated markets and night markets.

Cheng Wen-tsan, Taoyuan City Mayor:"We plan to issue 25,000 (vouchers). If everything goes well, we may hold another round or two on an expanded basis."

Resident:"You're giving people NT$200 each? You can't buy anything for NT$200 these days."

In response to the Executive Yuan announcing "quintuple" stimulus vouchers, both ruling and opposition lawmakers said the central government needs to distribute vouchers that don't require citizens to hand over cash first. They also said this year's voucher program needs to be expanded given how much worse the pandemic is this year than last year.





金門縣長 楊鎮浯表示:「換句話說,每位鄉親,實際上,可以獲得政府挹注有6000元。針對性的來讓鄉親,不管是在紓困的救急,還是在振興的帶動景氣,都能達到一定的效果。」







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