
Taichung School Cancels Classes After Possible Virus Infection|疑集體染諾羅病毒.腸胃炎 豐中2年級停課

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Following a field trip that took place from March 6 to 8, 79 students from Taichung's Feng Yuan High School show symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea. It is suspected that 15 of the students have been infected with Norovirus. In order to avoid further spreading of the virus, the school has canceled all classes on March 11 and proceeded to disinfect the classrooms. The Taichung City Health Bureau said that they are still trying to trace the source of the virus.

All classes for the 11th grade of the Feng Yuan High School have been canceled, and the school is proceeding to disinfect the classrooms to prevent a possible spread of the Norovirus on campus.

From March 6 to 8, 546 11th grade students from the high school went to Kenting and Kaohsiung for a field trip. The students only ate at local restaurants twice, and had all other meals at the hotel. Some students began to show signs of Norovirus infection upon returning from the trip.

The total number of students who went to see doctors was 79. In order to prevent a potential spread of the virus, the school has decided to cancel all classes of the 11th grade for a day.

Norovirus can be spread via food, water or physical contact. Most of those who suffer from vomiting and diarrhea are students. 15 out of the 79 students have shown severe symptoms. On the other hand, the teachers who accompany the students did not show any sign of infection. The Taichung City Health Bureau is currently trying to trace the source of infection.

According to the doctors, the students mostly suffered from acute gastroenteritis, some have shown symptoms similar to that of Norovirus infection. The data of the diagnosis has been forward to the Centers for Disease Control.

The Taichung City Health Bureau said it'll need to wait until the analysis report before they can determine whether the students suffered from acute gastroenteritis or Norovirus. The Feng Yuan high school has examined the environment of the entire school and has not found any trace of Norovirus. The school has also sent resident students who had prior history of Norovirus infection back home to avoid potential infection.
台中豐原高中校長 羅瑞宏表示,「就是總人數很明確有去就醫的,大概有79位,那學校基於避免產生群聚感染的這種疑慮,所以我們就讓今天的一個,整個的高二課程暫時停止上課一天。」
台中市衛生局食安處祕書 蔡文哲表示,「醫師觀察到的診斷,都是腸胃炎、急性腸胃炎,以及疑似諾羅病毒感染這樣的一個診斷,那麼相關的檢體,檢體我們已經送往病疾管署檢驗。」
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