企業贈新衣、靖娟開放空間 讓弱勢孩童過好年
NCSIST Reveals New Military Drones 軍用軍規無人機公布 台版「彈簧刀」亮相
|In order to strengthen the combat power of Taiwan's military, the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology unveiled a variety of drones for military use on the 14th.After careful adjust
Army Shooting Training Switches to Simulation of Actual Battlefields 陸軍射擊訓練 改採模擬戰場實戰環境
|As China continues its military harassment, President Tsai Ing-wen personally visited the Hualien airbase and missile base to encourage our soldiers to continue to protect the safety of the nation.The
Wang Presents Footage as Evidence of Human Error 303立院報告公布影片 還原「人為操作不當」
|Controversay surrounding the March 3 nationwide power failure continues in the Legislative Yuan. Opposition lawmakers said Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua's review report is a "copy and paste"
全台首宗破解任天堂Switch遊戲機 不法獲利千萬
86% Surveyed Think Teaching Remotely "Worse-off" 問卷調查屏東遠距教學 86%學校認成效差
|Online learning after schools were closed for COVID-19. As many teachers rushed into remote teaching and had to learn as they go. The K-12 Education Administration says it will help more frontline tea
遠距教學教師也卡關 國教署將提供增能課程