Atomic Energy Minister Attends Interpellation 原能會主委張靜文首備詢 聚焦日排核廢水
On March 1, Atomic Energy Minister Chang Ching-wen attended her first legislative interpellation since joining the Cabinet. Legislators asked her about Japan's dumping of radioactive wastewater into the sea and whether small modular reactors are suitable for Taiwan.
Atomic Energy Minister Chang Ching-wen attended her first interpellation before the legislature's Education and Culture Committee since joining the Cabinet. She acknowledged that it would be hard not to be nervous. The first legislator to quiz Chang was the KMT's Wan Mei-ling, and she came out firing. Wan asked Chang about Japan's dumping of radioactive wastewater from the destroyed Fukushima nuclear power plant into the sea and how all the information Taiwan has is supplied by Japan.
Wan Mei-ling, Legislator (KMT): “It's completely obvious that your so-called "active gathering of information" is actively waiting for them to give us information, actively waiting for them to organize videoconferences, and actively waiting for them to give us an explanation. This really is quite lamentable.”
The Atomic Energy Council said Japan has delayed the dumping of wastewater containing Tritium until the summer, and it will take a year to a year and a half to reach the waters surrounding Taiwan. Meanwhile, KMT Legislator Cheng Cheng-chien asked Chang to say where she stands on the issue of dumping wastewater containing Tritium into the sea.
Chang Ching-wen, Atomic Energy Minister: “I of course stand on the side of upholding environmental sanitation and public health protection, and I don't expect or hope this thing will happen.”
Independent Legislator Huang Kuo-shu asked if small modular reactors are safer and more suitable to install inside science parks. He said he hopes the AEC can draw up related legislation. Chang responded the AEC isn't in charge of the national energy policy.
Chang Ching-wen, Atomic Energy Minister: “The authority in charge of the ways and principles of the feasibility of nuclear energy generation is the Ministry of Economic Affairs.”
Chang's predecessor was dismissed by the Executive Yuan after a sexual harassment scandal, and the legislature asked the AEC to enhance gender awareness. The AEC said related points have already been revised and complaints about the minister should be raised with the Executive Yuan. It has also expanded the whistleblower protection mechanism.