
FTC Found Concerted Action and Fined NT$2.35 Mln 小琉球浮潛聯合漲價 公平會開罰235萬

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Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, snorkeling in Liuqiu had been prohibited until Aug. 24, 2021, when the government announced its reopening. However, the Fair Trade Commission received reports that 21 local snorkeling businesses jointly increased the snorkeling fees from NT$300, NT$350 to NT$400 per person, constituting a violation of a concerted action under Article 15 of the Fair Trade Act, they're subject to a total fine of NT$2.35 million. 

Diving-related activities to witness the undersea ecology on Liuqiu Island is splendid. However, due to COVID-19, snorkeling there had been prohibited from May to August 2021. It reopened at the end of August of that same year but was reported that snorkeling businesses jointly increased prices from NT$300, NT$350 to NT$400. Upon investigation, the Fair Trade Commission found that there was, in fact, prohibited concerted action, where the participating 21 snorkeling businesses were each fined anywhere from NT$100,000 to NT$150,000, totaling NT$2.35 million. As for the Liuqiu Tourism Development Association that facilitated this joint price increase, it was fined NT$150,000.

Hsu Bo-han, Chair, Liuqiu Tourism Development Association: “Certain snorkeling business raised their price due to increased costs because of COVID-19; they were unaware that it would implicate the Fair Trade Act.”

Coach Tien, Liuqiu Island Snorkeler: “These inconsequential amounts, NT$400, and NT$300 really do not amount to monopolization. We are trying to preserve epidemic prevention measures so set the standards for you to see. This is really very much baffling and upsetting, really.”

Snorkeling businesses said increasing their price was a response to rising costs in epidemic prevention, and the increase is not a lot yet they were nevertheless fined which made them quite helpless. The Fair Trade Commission emphasized that a joint increase in price is explicitly prohibited by law and is normally fined heavily. This time, taking into consideration the impact of the epidemic on said businesses, it, therefore, imposed minimal fines.

Chen Chi-min, Deputy Chair, Fair Trade Commission: “Businesses experiencing operating difficulties as a result of the economy or certain circumstances may apply to the Fair Trade Commission for immunity under Article 15; however, this application must be prior to any (concerted) action undertaken by the business.”

The Fair Trade Commission said that although there is immunity for a joint price increase, it must be reported to the Commission for review and approval before any price increase is undertaken or the companies will be fined. Those snorkeling businesses that accidentally stepped on the red line and were fined consider appealing or petitioning to county councilors. If the outcome is still the same, they can only reluctantly accept.










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