
Students and Civil Activists to Support A4 Revolution 跨世代學運與民運人士 聲援白紙運動

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Students and civil rights activists in Taiwan showed their support for the so-called A4 Revolution in China. They urge the Chinese government to pay attention to people's demands and do not repeat the June Fourth Tiananmen Square Massacre.  

“Treat people's appeals seriously; do not repeat the tragedy of the June Fourth Massacre.”Taiwanese, Hong Kong, and Chinese student movement participants, together with Xinjiang and Tibetan civil rights activists all stand in solidarity with Chinese students and citizens who are fighting for freedom. Willie Lo, a participant in the Anti-China Extradition Movement in Hong Kong said that while Hong Kong was fighting for freedom in democratic social movements, they encountered much mockery from the Chinese. He himself was a victim of harassment as well. Hence, he hesitated to come out to support this.

Willie Lo, Participant in Anti-China Extradition Movement: “When we see that there is a possibility to make China free, and upon seeing people fighting for freedom, I will lend my support.”

Willie Lo said that all those who have been oppressed by totalitarianism should be allies, where Chinese citizens and students joined forces in hopes of a change in history. Meanwhile, more Chinese people can understand Hong Kong's current state. Hsu Kuan-tze of the domestic Anti-Black Box Curriculum Movement emphasized that many people mock that Chinese people are merely trying to sustain their livelihood and if they are fed, they can care less about other things; however, the facts speak otherwise.

Hsu Kuan-tze, Participant in the Anti-Black Box Curriculum Movement: “We can see that the mottos in this wave of protest include the Chinese public yelling out "Step down Xi Jinping! Step down CCP!" So there are Chinese citizens who actually holler for "freedom or death!"”

Zhou Fengsuo, Participant of the '89 Democracy Movement: “This white paper symbolizes the anger that people are unable to express out loud; it symbolizes that the CCP should step down and demands a free and democratic new China.”

Those participants from various generations of student movements pointed out that this has nothing to do with nationality or recognition of sovereignty but is in support of those partners on road to democracy. They said today's press conference means to warn Xi Jinping that the international community is highly wary of China; if it chooses to use armed forces, the Chinese economy will completely collapse.









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