Three Men Sentenced to Life Prision for Downing of MH17 彈擊落馬航致298人罹難 3人判處終身監禁
Dutch judges on Nov. 17 convicted three men of murder for their role in the 2014 shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 over Ukraine, and sentenced them to life in prison. The three were all found to have helped arrange the transport of a Russian military missile system into Ukraine that was used to shoot down the plane although they were not the ones who actually fired the missile.
Hendrik Steenhuis, Presiding Judge: “Suspects (Igor) Girkin, (Sergey) Dubinsky and (Leonid) Kharchenko are convicted.”
The Dutch court ruled three out of the four men guilty on Thursday, Nov. 17 over the 2014 downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 that killed all 298 people on board. The fourth man was acquitted. These four men with ties to Russia were charged for mass murder for shooting down the plane. A Dutch-led multinational investigation found that the plane was shot down by a Russian surface-to-air missile system over rebel-held eastern Ukraine while making its way from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur. Family members of the victims decry the Russia-Ukraine War.
Jon O'Brien, Victim's relative: “Our son and all the people on MH17 were killed in this war. It's the war that took their lives. It's the Russian aggression in Ukraine that killed 298 people on MH17 and we want to see an end to that aggression and an end to that war.”
However, the Russian government rejected the verdict, called it "biased and politically motivated." The Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the ruling and finds Russia responsible for the unfortunate 38 Australians killed on the plane. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Russia is not telling the truth.
Volodymyr Zelensky, Ukrainian President: “Russia lied a lot about this disaster, but still the key facts were established. Now the perpetrators have been convicted and evidence has been provided to convict those responsible at a higher level.”
Two of the convicted are Russians that worked in Russian security services, one being Igor Girkin, a former colonel in Russia's Federal Security Service and military leader of the Donetsk People's Republic. The third man is a Ukrainian leader of a separatist military unit. Buk missile system was transported into Ukraine from a Russia military base. The three convicted men deliberately took actions to shoot down a plane, but intended to shoot down a military aircraft. Family members of the victims may take legal actions against Russia.
Dmitry Oreshkin, Political Analyst: “Apparently, this is going to happen (victims' families suing Russia), because the relatives of the victims have been preparing for this for a long time. And, accordingly, there will be a court ruling, and it will probably be in favour of the relatives, because now it has a legal basis. ”
The Dutch ruling sets as another record for prosecution of war crimes and justice delivered amid the Russia-Ukraine War.