People Should Remain Vigilant for Aftershock 花蓮卓溪10:07規模5.9地震 應屬池上餘震
The Central Weather Bureau says the frequency and length of time between aftershocks should be abating, but everyone should still remain vigilant in the next few days.
Another magnitude 5.9 earthquake struck Hualien's Zhuoxi Township at 10:07 a.m. on the 19th. The Central Weather Bureau regards this quake as an aftershock of the 6.8 magnitude Chishang earthquake on the 18th. The CWB recorded 61 aftershocks in the nine hours after the Chishang earthquake and 12 between midnight and 9 a.m. on the 19th.
Chen Kuo-chang, Director, CWB Seismological Center: “Based on data collected between last night and 9 a.m. today, the length of time between aftershocks is going up while frequency is going down.”
The CWB says there may be further magnitude-5 aftershocks between now and the 21st but the frequency of aftershocks should be going down. One expert says the 6.8 earthquake was caused by the Central Range Fault, which has been releasing energy since the Shoufeng earthquake last April.
Kuo Kai-wen, Former Director, CWB Seismological Center: “When you enter a seismically active period, the energy has to be released somehow. Taiwan has to be able to release all the accumulated energy.”
The prediction of experts that Taiwan is entering a seismically active period is especially concerning to residents of Chiayi and Tainan, which have not seen a major earthquake in some time. The CWB says Chiayi and Tainan are in fact high-risk earthquake zones but it has no earthquake forecasts for the area at this time.