
Suspect Arrested Due to Persuasion by Veteran Squad Leader 高醫診間槍案破案 傳資深警勸說投案

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A man was shot dead in broad daylight while waiting to receive treatment at Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital on Aug. 17. The police arrested the shooter four hours later. Residents are concerned that the suspect was able to walk into the hospital carrying an unconcealed gun.

Kaohsiung City councilors belonging to the Kuomintang hold up signs as they criticize the Kaohsiung City Government for allowing the city to turn into a city of bullets. On Aug. 17, a man was shot dead in broad daylight while waiting to receive treatment at Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital over a financial dispute. The shooter was able to enter the hospital with an unconcealed gun, leading to concerns about illegal guns and public safety. On Aug. 14, a Kaohsiung construction site caved in, affecting nearby buildings and making them too dangerous to live in. The KMT caucus held a press conference on Aug. 18 to criticize the city government's severe dereliction of duty.

Tung Yen-chen, Whip, KMT Kaohsiung City Council Caucus: “The suspect killed a person in broad daylight in a hospital. There have also been gun battles between police and criminals in the outskirts and numerous fires. Even the one hour of rain yesterday caused streets in Renwu to flood. This city has become unlivable.”

The caucus said the city government needs to address several issues including law and order. In response, the Democratic Progressive Party's caucus said investigations into the construction site and hospital shooting incidents absolved the city government of any blame.

Huang Wen-i, Director-General, DPP Kaohsiung City Council Caucus: “The suspect brought a gun from New Taipei City down here and used it. So if KMT councilors want to criticize the proliferation of guns, then they should direct their criticism at Hou Yu-ih.”

The DPP caucus demanded that the KMT caucus stop smearing the city government and accused it of ignoring the hard work of the police. The police were able to catch the suspect in the hospital shooting four hours later because a veteran squad leader had a relationship of trust with the suspect.

Cheng Yu-sheng, Captain, Investigation Brigade, Sanmin First Precinct, KCPD: “The suspect had been processed by the squad leader surnamed Li several times in the past, so they were on friendly terms. The suspect contacted the squad leader of his own accord, and the squad leader was able to convince him to turn himself in.”

The two party caucuses were able to agree on one point, which was zero tolerance for shootings. They urged the central and local governments to do more to eliminate guns.











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