
24-hour Stores Reviewing Personal Safety Policies 勸戴口罩竟惹禍上身 營業場所求自保

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Since September, there have been four cases of injury or death after someone was asked to wear a mask in the convenience store. The CECC says mask regulations won't change, while the Ministry of the Interior says police will step up patrols of convenience stores. Other 24-hour stores also say their clerks' safety comes first.

After what happened in Taoyuan on the morning of the 21st, many businesses are wondering what they should do if a customer refuses to put on a mask.

Tseng Chu-han, Donghu Store Manager, Showba Department Store: “First of all, social distancing should be maintained. There is a risk to being too close together. We put safety first and we will ask (customers) politely to put on masks. We also have 24-hour security and CCTV, so if anything happens someone will come help.”

Taiwan remains on a Level 2 alert, and some stores that are open around the clock make sure there are at least two workers on shift at all times. Uni-President has issued a statement saying it has internal guidelines in place to prevent consumer disputes, with personal safety being the top priority. Family Mart says its clerks are not forced to ask customers to wear masks, and personal safety remains its top priority. There have been four mask-related cases of store workers being injured or killed since September. The Central Epidemic Command Center says its mask policy will not be changing.

Chen Shih-chung, Chief, Central Epidemic Command Center: “Our mask policy probably won't change for the time being. There are minor inconveniences that we will of course consider. As for asking people to put on masks, the first consideration should still be personal safety. ”

With mask-related attacks on the rise, Interior Minister Hsu Kuo-yung says police will start patrolling convenience stores more frequently to increase visibility.

Hsu Kuo-yung, Interior Minister: “We will have police increasing the frequency of patrols and increasing police visibility. We will take a multifaceted approach to protect everyone. ”

Hsu says the ministry may also put up signs outside stores and ask stores to play recorded messages about masks and epidemic prevention.












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