Negative Test Result or Vaccination Card Needed for Entry Outlying Islands 中秋連假赴綠島.蘭嶼 須接種或快篩陰證明

Presenter:The Taitung County Government is worried that multitudes of people will head to Green Island and Lanyu over the Mid-Autumn Festival long weekend, which will complicate disease prevention efforts. It is therefore requiring all arrivals to produce proof of vaccination or a negative rapid test result from within the past three days. Meanwhile, Kinmen and Lienchiang County are requiring a negative result from a rapid test taken within the past 24 hours or a negative result from a PCR test taken within the past three days to exempt people from taking a rapid test upon arrival.
“Testing takes place over here.”
A rapid testing station offering free testing is a new addition to Taitung's Fugang Fishing Port. Many people are expected to travel domestically during the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival long weekend after disease prevention restrictions were eased. Local ferry companies say they are operating 15 ferries during the first day of the long weekend. This means that at least 3,000 people will be stepping onto Green Island. There will be 10 ferry services on the second day. Meanwhile, the Taitung County Government is concerned about the spread of the Delta variant and has tightened entry requirements for Green Island and Lanyu. Those without required documents will not be allowed to step foot on these islands.
Rao Ching-ling, Taitung County Magistrate:”We worked with local fishermen's associations, Green Island and Lanyu's guesthouse proprietors, and the two township offices, and they are requiring visitors to provide proof of vaccination or a negative result from a rapid test taken within the past three days before they can board ferries.”
The entry requirements for going to offshore islands have been tightened. Penghu is requiring a rapid test upon arrival. Those with a COVID-19 vaccination card or a negative result on a PCR test taken within the past three days will be exempt. Kinmen and Lienchiang County have even tighter restrictions. Only those with a negative result on a rapid test taken within the past 24 hours or a negative result on a PCR test taken within the past three days will be exempt from taking a rapid test upon arrival. They decided that people who have received second vaccine doses won't be exempt as a precaution against breakthrough infections.
Voice of Li Hsi-hsin, Director, Public Health Bureau, Kinmen County:”Those who have a negative result on a PCR test taken within the past three days will be exempt. Those who have received two vaccine doses will still have to take a rapid test.”
Fugang Fishing Port's rapid testing station will operate from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. starting Sept. 17 for those heading to Green Island and Lanyu. There will also be rapid testing stations at Taitung Station's exits. They will offer tests on a two-month trial basis starting on Sept. 17.
台東縣長 饒慶鈴:「地區漁會,綠島跟蘭嶼的,民宿業者的協助,兩個鄉公所的協助,那他們都有要求民眾一定要,提供施打疫苗的證明或者,三天內的快篩陰性證明才能上船。」由台灣本島入境離島的防疫規定全面提升,澎湖縣也規定入境一定要快篩,但如果持有COVID-19疫苗接種紀錄卡,或3日內PCR陰性證明可免篩。金門縣、連江縣更嚴格,快篩陰性證明,必須是24小時內,或3日內PCR陰性證明,都能免篩,但取消施打疫苗二劑免篩規定,就怕突破性感染,恢復全面入境快篩。
金門縣府衛生局長 李錫鑫:「已經持有三天內的,PCR核酸檢測陰性者得以免篩,兩劑疫苗施打者仍然要篩檢。」