
Loophole in NHI Exploited for A Few to Be Fully-vaccinated 部分老人鑽漏洞 搶先自行「疫苗混打」

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Taiwan has yet to approve mixed doses of COVID-19 vaccines, but people are finding a way. Five seniors, who had gotten AZ as their first dose, got Moderna for their second at a mass vaccination station in Taichung, which has been described as "irrational" by the CECC. It says it will take action to close the loophole.

There have been reports of seniors getting mixed doses of COVID-19 vaccines in Kaohsiung and Taichung. All of them got AZ for their first dose and Moderna for their second.

Tang Tsao-ying, Disease Control Division, Health Bureau, Taichung City:”We have gotten reports of five cases of mixed-dose vaccinations. One of the five has a mild fever. The others are feeling fine.”

Lin Ying-jan, Chair, Primary Care Association:”Mass vaccination stations could fall prey to public trickery because they can't access vaccination records.”

One doctor says mass vaccination sites aren't equipped with computers and therefore don't have access to national health insurance data. Therefore, anyone that removes the vaccination sticker from their NHI card or does not bring their vaccination certificate to a vaccination site can get away with claiming they haven't gotten their first shot yet. 

Hospitals and clinics, however, should be able to access patients' vaccination records with their NHI cards.

Voice of Chuang Jen-hsiang, Spokesperson, Central Epidemic Command Center:”Clinics can access medical records in the cloud. Vaccination stations, however, can only look up information on the NHI VPN.”

The Central Epidemic Command Center says it forbids mixed doses and people that choose to get mixed doses are acting "irrationally." 

The Taichung City Health Bureau, meanwhile, says it is in the process of purchasing card readers and other equipment for its five mass vaccination sites so that medical personnel will be able to access NHI data and medical records.




台中市衛生局疾病管制科長 湯澡瑛:「目前回報有混打狀況的人數呢,是5個人。那這5個人裡面呢,只有一個人出現微微的發燒,那經過我們的追蹤關懷,目前呢都沒有不適的狀況。」

中華民國基層醫療協會理事長 林應然:「大型接種站可能會被民眾騙了都不知道,因為它沒有辦法去查詢那個他過去的接種紀錄嘛。」


中央流行疫情指揮中心發言人 莊人祥:「在診所的話



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