Mailman Rescues 200 Pieces of Mail During Flood|冒大雨送信跌入田裡 郵差脫困烘信補投遞

Taichung City also experienced torrential rains in the last few days. While delivering mail on Aug. 12 in heavy rain on Nantun's Zhonghe Lane, a mailman surnamed Chen fell into a field along with his scooter. Fortunately, the police were able to rescue him. After getting back to the post office, the mailman and his colleagues dried the 200 pieces of mail he was able to save and then he rushed to deliver them to the recipients.
This mail carrier accidentally drove into a field during heavy rain on the 12th.
Police and local residents helped me out of the field. I couldn't climb out by myself. (Was the water very deep?) Yes. (Very deep?) About chest-high.
Torrential rain in Taichung on the morning of the 12th flooded Nantun's Zhonghe Lane, making it difficult to differentiate between field and road. Stranded in the field, the mail carrier just barely escaped being washed away by the floodwater. Fortunately, police were able to rescue him and retrieve his motorcycle. At the time, his only concern was the state of the mail he had in his possession.
First, I got out of the field and then I moved the mail container to a safe place. My phone was broken, so I had to borrow the phone from someone who lives nearby.
Chen rushed back to the post office. Ignoring his wet clothes, he and several colleagues used hair dryers to dry the 200 pieces of waterlogged mail and piece together the blurred addresses. Once the mail was dry, he went back to work delivering them to the recipients. Chen's boss praised him for his dedication.
We took inventory of the more important registered mail first. After we made sure they were all accounted for, we started drying them with hair dryers.
The post office says Chen used to work as a courier and has only been a mail carrier for a year. He delivers close to 1,000 pieces of mail a day and is a dedicated professional.
郵差 陳志明(108.08.12)表示:「警察跟當地居民,剛剛牽我起來,不然剛剛在下面,沒辦法爬起來。(積水有多深?)很深呀!(很深喔?)到胸口呢!」
郵差 陳志明表示:「先爬起來,先把(信件)籃子拆掉,先搬到安全的地方,因為手機要回報,手機也壞掉了,(趕緊)到旁邊的民宅,去借電話。」
台中向上郵局經理 戴榮桂表示:「比較重要的掛號信,我們都清點出來,一一盤點,清點數目無誤之後,我們馬上動用同仁,用吹風機來吹乾。」