Death Row Inmate to Donate 22,000 Books to Other Prisons|死囚陳文魁愛閱讀 捐逾2萬冊自購書籍

Death row inmate Chen Wen-kui has been locked up at Tainan Detention Center for the past 18 years. He has spent his incarceration reading books. Recently, he announced he will be donating the 22,000 books he purchased using his prison earnings to other prisons so that more inmates will be able to read them. The Tainan Detention Center said they are glad to see through his plan.
The tabletop is covered with motivational books. The man who is reading is Chen Wei-kui, a death row inmate. He has spent the past 18 years at the Tainan Detention Center. Chen says he was sentenced to death in 2000 for killing two people and injuring three during a shootout. He says he has regretted his actions since. Luckily, he was able to find hope in books. Now, he intends to donate the 22,000 books he purchased using his own prison earnings to other prisons so other inmates can read.
When I was a child, I didn't have time to read. Now, I have made a mistake, and I don't know if I'll still be here tomorrow. This is why I don't want to waste a single minute of the time I have left. I have started reading books and scriptures, and they speak about familial love, parental love, the love of children. Though I am on death row for committing a grave crime, I have not given up on myself.
Chen managed to collect around 22,000 books over the past 18 years. They take up a lot of space, but luckily the prison approves of Chen's love for reading and has installed shelves in a room to turn it into a book depository. It also approves of his idea to donate the books.
He didn't specify where he wanted to donate the books, but as long as there are prisons where inmates are interested in reading, he is happy to share his books with them. His mood is quite stable, and his family comes to visit him, so his life is quite stable with no particular issues.
There are historical novels and wuxia novels among the 22,000 volumes. Chen hopes these books can make their way to other inmates who love reading. He will also pay for the cost of shipping the books to other prisons. Chen also has plans to pen a book about his own life to serve as a cautionary tale and urge people to be good.
死刑犯 陳文魁(104.9.25)表示:「小時候,沒有那時間去讀書,現在我犯了錯,我有沒有明天我也不知道,我不要浪費我每一分鐘時間,我就看書、唸經,(裡面)有親情的愛、父母親的愛、子女的愛,我一個死刑犯 犯了滔天大罪,我都沒有放棄我自己了。」
台南看守所副所長 黃鴻禧表示:「他沒有特別指定要給哪一些機關,但是只要收容人有閱讀的興趣,他都願意跟他們分享,他目前在獄中情緒還滿穩定,家裡的人也都會來接見,所以生活來說還滿穩定,沒有特別的問題。」