
Kao Hung-an Questioned in Payroll Case 疑涉詐領助理費 高虹安移送北檢複訊

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Hsinchu City Mayor-elect Kao Hung-an, along with her office manager and assistants were subpoenaed for questioning related to corruption and payroll fraud accusations on Dec. 15, with her office and seven other locations searched. Kao was released on NT$600,000 bail.

“Corrupt criminal!”Hsinchu City Mayor-elect Kao Hung-an ignores the mob as she leaves the Taipei District Prosecutors Office on the morning of the 16th. Kao is being investigated for corruption and payroll fraud and allegedly asking her assistant to turn over overtime payments to her as provident funds for her personal use. 

Chiu Chen-yuan, Legislator (TPP): “The TPP respects the independence of the judicial process and the authority of the judiciary. We also have to respect the principle of closed investigations and we look forward to the truth being uncovered.”

Investigators searched eight locations in Taipei and Hsinchu, including Kao's office at the Legislative Yuan and four private residences. Kao's office manager, Chen Huan-yu, was taken in for questioning on the 15th. Kao, her former assistant Lee Chung-ting, and former public relations manager Wang Yu-wen were questioned as defendants. Kao's assistant, Huang Ling-hui, was questioned as a witness. 

Reporter asked Wang Yu-wen: “Did you turn over provident funds? Were you forced to turn over provident funds?”

At 2 a.m., Chen and Wang were released on NT$100,000 bail. Kao was released on NT$600,000 bail at 5:10 a.m. and Lee was released without bail.









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