Chiang Resigns as Legislator to Focus on Campaign 展現破釜沉舟決心 蔣萬安宣布請辭立委
KMT Taipei City mayoral candidate Chiang Wan-an announced his resignation as a legislator on Nov. 10. The "Heartless PR Company" Facebook page recently accused the KMT of engaging paparazzi to follow opponent candidates, causing the party to sue for the falsification of documents. The Facebook page subsequently apologized. DPP candidate Chen Shih-chung denied any involvement, while independent candidate Vivian Huang said this is a standard "blue-green battle."
Chiang Wan-an, KMT Taipei City Mayoral Candidate: “I'd like to announce that I've officially resigned from my position as a legislator, and I will wholeheartedly dedicate myself to Taipei.”
KMT Taipei City mayoral candidate Chiang Wan-an campaigned at a market in Beitou District on Nov. 10. He announced that he has resigned as a legislator to dedicate himself to his campaign.
Chiang Wan-an, KMT Taipei City Mayoral Candidate: “The resignation shows my determination. Taipei has been stagnant for eight years already, and I want to show my determination to win by staking everything on success.”
Vivian Huang, Independent Taipei City Mayoral Candidate: “I resigned when I announced my candidacy in August. He announced his candidacy in May but only resigned now. I think it's more likely that he's putting on a show.”
The "Heartless PR Company" Facebook page posted a photo of a document on Nov. 9 that was purportedly signed by several KMT candidates including Chiang and instructing people on how to follow opponent magisterial and mayoral candidates and attack them online. The KMT said the document was falsified and filed a lawsuit. The Facebook page was forced to issue an apology. Chiang said he will not forgive and it must be investigated.
Chen Shih-chung, DPP Taipei City Mayoral Candidate: “I heard this news, but it can be said that it has nothing to do with us. I'm running so that I can help city residents, to do more for our most dearly loved Taiwan and Taipei, and not harm others.”
Independent candidate Vivian Huang said this is a typical "blue-green battle" while the justice minister said many controversies arise in the run-up to elections and authorities will impartially respond to any reported cases.