
Yushan Forum Held in Taipei 第6屆玉山論壇恢復實體會議 友邦發言挺台

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The 2022 Yushan Forum took place in Taipei on Oct. 7. Attendees included a former New Zealand prime minister and the current president of Palau, both of whom expressed support for Taiwan.

Winston Peters, Former New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister: “If there were more Taiwans, would this world be a better place?”

Former New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters received a round of applause for his words in support of Taiwan during the Yushan Forum in Taipei on Oct. 7. This time, 31 guests from 12 countries were invited to attend in person. The theme this year was "Revitalizing, Reorienting, and Reconnecting" and the focus was on post-pandemic regional cooperation. President Tsai Ing-wen said the participation of so many important political leaders from so many countries shows that they all support Taiwan. She also used the opportunity to praise her New Southbound Policy, describing it as a "core part of the Indo-Pacific strategy."

Tsai Ing-wen, President: “We are also grateful to like-minded countries for stressing the importance of peace and stability in the region and across the Taiwan Strait.”

Surangel Whipps Jr., Palauan President: “There has been a strong partnership between Palau and Taiwan in these areas. And that partnership continues to strengthen.”

According to Tsai, the benefits obtained by Taiwanese businesspersons through investment in New Southbound Policy countries already exceed those of China and she said she will work to further strengthen cooperation. Regional security was another issue discussed during the forum. Former Japanese Prime Minister Taro Aso made a video appearance, while Japan-ROC Diet Members' Consultative Council Chair Keiji Furuya said in Taiwanese that anything that affects Taiwan also affects Japan.

Taro Aso, Former Japanese Prime Minister: “We will absolutely not allow anyone to use military force to unilaterally change the status quo. This is our common determination.”

Keiji Furuya, Chair, Japan-ROC Diet Members' Consultative Council: “The Taiwan Strait is a hotspot. Anything that affects Taiwan also affects Japan.”

Furuya also criticized China for enticing Taiwan's diplomatic allies with economic benefits and denounced China's military expansion and attempts to unilaterally change the status quo. He said the Taiwan Strait situation is important to Japan and Japanese people living in Taiwan, and how to handle emergency situations will be discussed with the U.S. and Taiwan and efforts will also be made to strengthen Taiwan-Japan cooperation.











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