
Did Navy Not Report Helicopter Accident Immediately? 海軍S-70C重摔 傳第一時間未通報國防部

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A Navy S-70C helicopter crashed at Zuoying Naval Base on June 22. According to media reports, the Navy did not report the accident immediately. The Ministry of National Defense wasn't aware that an accident had occurred until the Armed Forces Joint Operations Command Center performed an online search. The Navy responded that it reported the accident immediately in accordance with regulations. 

Chang Yen-ting, Former Air Force Deputy Commander: “(One hour) is way too long. It takes 10 seconds to make a call to the commanding officer. That's what it was like when I was at the service academy.”

Former Air Force Deputy Commander Chang Yen-ting previously served as the superintendent of the Air Force Academy, and during that time there was an accident with a plane. Chang said he reported the accident as soon as he was notified. A Navy S-70C helicopter crashed at Zuoying Naval Base on June 22. United Daily News reported that the helicopter crashed at 3:55 p.m., but the Navy didn't immediately report the accident. At 4:30 p.m., the Armed Forces Joint Operations Command Center searched online and found that there was a column of smoke ascending next to the base. It contacted the Navy at 5 p.m. to find out more, and it wasn't until after that, more than one hour after the accident, that the Ministry of National Defense became aware of the incident.

Chang Yen-ting, Former Air Force Deputy Commander: “According to the procedures of administrative systems, the five major reporting systems all failed. This is a very serious matter. Imagine what would happen if this occurred during wartime.”

Chang said it's impossible to conceal a major event like this, and commanding officers need to quickly report to their superiors. He thinks it's unreasonable that the MND didn't know until one hour later. A delay may have occurred because officers and soldiers feared they would get punished. Meanwhile, a legislator said the military needs to investigate thoroughly.

Wang Ting-yu, Legislator (DPP): “Was there a delay in the reporting system? Was there the intent to make a big issue into a small issue into a non-issue in the report content? We demand military units to investigate.”

Chiang Cheng-kuo, Navy Chief of Staff: “After the incident occurred, the command reported it to all levels using existing systems in accordance with regulations. We will include this in our investigation.”

The Navy said it will investigate. Taiwan's S-70C helicopters have been in use for over 30 years. The military wanted to replace them with MH-60R anti-submarine helicopters purchased from the U.S., but the price tag was too high. When asked whether it will restart negotiations because of the accident, the Navy said it is aiming for a reliable anti-submarine aviation group that conforms to the requirements of defensive combat and there are no issues with personnel.










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