
Taiwan Sees First Possible Case of MIS-A 30多歲患者多重器官發炎 疑國內首例MIS-A

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Multisystem inflammatory syndrome can affect both children and adults after COVID-19 infection. Shin Kong Memorial Hospital recently started treating a person around 30 years old who developed a persistent fever and the inflammation of multiple organs after COVID-19 infection. This patient is thought to be the first case of MIS-A in Taiwan.

The COVID-19 situation in Taiwan remains in a "plateau." More and more cases of children developing multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children, or MIS-C, after COVID-19 infection are being reported. Adults can develop this condition too, but it's called MIS-A. Shin Kong Memorial Hospital recently started treating a person around 30 years old who developed a persistent fever and the inflammation of multiple organs after COVID-19 infection. This patient remains in an ICU, and is thought to be the first case of MIS-A in Taiwan.

Huang Chien-hsien, Director, Infectious Diseases Dept., Shin Kong Mem. Hosp.: “The patient had multiple organ inflammation, a high fever, shock, gastrointestinal symptoms, and eye symptoms, but no skin symptoms. That's why we can't confirm it yet.”

Doctors say symptoms of MIS-C include rashes and conjunctivitis, but fewer than half of MIS-A patients have skin and mucous membrane symptoms. As multiple organs are affected, it's difficult to diagnose from external appearance. It can also be confused with septicemia, so clinical diagnosis is not easy. Experts say a U.S. study from 2021 showed that if people exhibit five major symptoms including fever, low blood pressure, reduced heart function, and breathing difficulties in the one month following recovery, they may have MIS-A.

Huang Li-min, Honorary Chair, Infectious Diseases Society of Taiwan: “It primarily manifests as a fever and then a rash. There may be diarrhea, and people may feel that their heart is weaker and their blood pressure is lower. They may also find it harder to breathe. In terms of age groups, it still mostly occurs among young people. Those under the age of 40 are at a higher risk.”

Experts say the pathogenesis of MIS-A is still unknown, but it's believed to be caused by a dysregulated immune response. Further research is needed to determine if it's caused by COVID-19 or is a worsening of an existing disease. Taiwan only has clinical guidelines for treating MIS-C. There are no guidelines for treating MIS-A.









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