
Taipei Mayor Ko Declines to Comment on Low IQ Talk 柯文哲"智商說"引發熱議 今低調未回應

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The latest delivery of AZ vaccines has sparked controversy as it will expire at the end of November. Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je implied the CECC spokesperson had a low IQ. Ko declined to comment further the next day while Premier Su Tseng-chang said the government has already been doing its best.

The latest delivery of AstraZeneca vaccines has sparked controversy as the 594,000 doses that arrived on the 6th will expire at the end of November. Taipei City Mayor Ko Wen-je also criticized on the 8th that the Central Epidemic Command Center gave an "idiotic" explanation to the whole situation, and implied CECC Spokesperson Chuang Jen-hsiang had a low IQ. Ko declined to comment further when he made an appearance at the Legislative Yuan.

Ko Wen-je, Taipei City Mayor:"I have a legislative meeting to attend in the afternoon. Let's talk about this later. Legislative Speaker You Si-kun is speaking today, don't be disrespectful."

Premier Su Tseng-chang came to the defense of the vaccine purchase.

Su Tseng-chang, ROC Premier:"We've been doing our best to keep Taiwan safe from COVID-19 and we've been working hard on purchasing vaccines. Please do not deny all our efforts. We hope that everyone would come out and get vaccinated so our vaccination rate can go up."

The KMT caucus is questioning why the CECC bought vaccines that are about to expire so quickly. DPP legislator Tsai Yi-yu posted on Facebook saying that the Legislative Yuan has just passed the main resolution pushed by KMT legislators regarding exchanges of vaccine purchases with other countries like the dose sharing arrangement between Singapore and Australia. Tsai said the criticism is uncalled for and that the opposition party is criticizing for the sake of criticizing.

Tsai Yi-yu, Legislator (DPP):"The resolution was passed on Nov. 4 and the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) needs to report within a month. You see, it's not Dec. 4 yet. This main resolution got passed last-minute and the MOHW is expected to carry through."

Chen Yu-jen, Legislator (KMT):"It doesn't mean that the MOHW can just buy whatever vaccines are left. We asked you to hurry up the purchase but it doesn't mean you can just buy the almost expired ones."

There are only a few weeks left before the AZ vaccines expire. The vaccines won't be ready for vaccination until mid-November, which means that all cities and counties receiving the doses would need to finish them up within two weeks. 



台北市長 柯文哲表示:「下午有議會,要討論再討論啦!今天人家今天是游院長的場子,不要亂問。」


行政院長 蘇貞昌表示:「我們守住疫情,努力買疫苗,不要買不到也罵,買到了也罵,我們希望大家認真出來打疫苗,讓覆蓋率提高。」


民進黨立委 蔡易餘表示:「11月4日通過那一個月內,要向立法院內提出報告,你看,還沒有到12月4日,所以這個主決議,根本就是即期,而且要求衛福部必須要這樣去遵守。」

國民黨立委 陳玉珍表示:「這個並不是表示,衛福部在採購的時候,可以完全不顧效期。我們叫你趕快買,不是叫你去買到(即)期品啊!」



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