First-dose Rate Reaches 70 Percent, Full Vaccination 30 Percent 國內疫苗覆蓋率 第1劑7成.第2劑3成

As the latest shipment has just arrived, Taiwan so far has nearly 8 million doses of BNT vaccine. Many have been wondering when they will be allowed to be given as a second dose or even as a "mix-and-match" option with other products.
At 6:19 a.m., a China Airlines flight carrying Taiwan's 10th shipment of BNT vaccines landed at Taoyuan International Airport. The shipment of 910,300 doses brings the total Taiwan has received so far to 7.73 million. The government began administering BNT vaccines on campuses on Sept. 22. While BNT vaccines are now available to people of all ages, that applies only to the first dose. Experts expect the government to start allowing second doses of BNT in three to nine weeks depending on allocation and supply.
Liu Peng-chih, Family Medicine Doctor, Shin Kong Hospital: “Studies have shown that for BNT, there are no benefits in terms of prevention after nine weeks, but risk of death and risk of hospitalization are somewhat better after nine weeks than three.”
According to the Central Epidemic Command Center, Taiwan's one- and two-dose coverage rates currently stand at, respectively, 70 percent and 30 percent. The CECC says the 147 people that have already gotten a second dose of BNT must have gotten their first dose overseas. Meanwhile, over 10,000 cases of adverse reactions have been reported. One lawmaker says Taiwan's clinical diagnosis and reporting mechanisms are lacking.
Ms. Chen, Citizen Who Had Adverse Reaction to Vaccine: “Vaccines are supposed to protect us, but what if you have an adverse reaction? If doctors don't tell the truth, we wouldn't know what to do. If you go see a doctor, you'll for sure get yelled at. "You just want to blame every problem you have on the vaccine." Who are we supposed to turn to for help?”
Lin Yung-ching, Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control: “Doctors don't have to shoulder any responsibility for reporting-related issues. We encourage people to report suspected adverse reactions. They don't have to be 100 percent certain.”
The Centers for Disease Control says any adverse reaction after a vaccine can be reported, regardless of whether a causal relationship can be proven. Those that suffer adverse reactions, meanwhile, can apply for medical compensation on their own at local health bureaus without needing to provide proof, as authorities concerned will review the patient's medical record after being notified.