
Rural Villagers Picking Up Vouchers at Police Stations 山區部落無超商 派出所協助代發五倍券

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There are no post offices or convenience stores in rural parts of Hualien and Taitung, so stimulus vouchers will be distributed by police stations. On Green Island and Orchid Island, police were sent to convenience stores to watch people picking up their vouchers.

On the morning of the 8th, the chief of Hualien County's Xilin Village asks indigenous residents to bring their ID card to the police station to pick up their stimulus vouchers. Fenglin Precinct's three stations spent the morning handing out vouchers to residents of five villages. One family of five was very happy to pick up NT$25,000 in vouchers.

Xilin Village Resident:"I need to get stuff like tissues, soap powder, and shampoo."

Kao Hsin-fu, Chief, Xilin Police Station:"We have 1,725 sets (of vouchers) at Fenglin Precinct."

There is only one area in Taitung County, Chialan Village in Jinfeng Township, without a post office or convenience store, so the task of distributing vouchers also fell to the police. As this was also how the last round of vouchers was distributed, villagers knew where to go. Police in these areas also delivered vouchers to residents with mobility issues. Some said they didn't know how to use the vouchers or what to do with them.

Ms. Lin, Chialan Village Resident:"Can I buy gasoline with these?"

Mr. Hu, Chialan Village Resident:"Cash is better. You can't get change (with the vouchers)."

Chen Yi-chung, Chief, Jinfeng Police Station:"We are delivering vouchers to people with mobility issues."

The owner of Chialan's general store says he will be making change to all customers.

Mr. Wen, General Store Owner:"(Will you make change for NT$200 and NT$1,000 (vouchers)?) I will. I collected over NT$10,000 in (vouchers) last time. I don't know, I wasn't keeping track."

On Green Island and Orchid Island, people gathered at convenience stores to pick up their vouchers under the watchful eye of the police. Police say all vouchers will be distributed in rural areas and on offshore islands within two days.






西林派出所所長 高新福表示:「我們鳳林分局是整個都是1725份。」


嘉蘭村民 林女士表示:「不知道能不能加油啊?」

嘉蘭村民 胡先生表示:「現金比較實在,沒辦法找零錢啊!」

金峰派出所所長 陳義忠表示:「看有沒有行動不便的民眾,我們就到府送達。」


雜貨店老闆 溫先生表示:「(現在是2百跟1千的,你會找零嗎?)也是一樣找啊!上次(三倍券)差不多收好幾萬。不知道,沒有在算!」


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