
Quintuple Stimulus Vouchers Website Crashes 五倍券開放登記與數位綁定  網路大當機

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Central and local governments simultaneously offer additional perks to encourage the digital version of the vouchers.

Presenter: Registration of quintuple stimulus vouchers began on Sept. 22 and the official website crashed due to heavy traffic. Over 1.61 million people had accessed the site as of 10:30 a.m., with only one-fifth of them being able to register.

The government opened up the registration for an digital binding of the quintuple stimulus vouchers on Sept. 22. Registration also began for the additional vouchers issued by eight ministries. The official voucher website came online at 9 a.m. and crashed immediately. People reported being unable to load the website, seeing a blank page, or seeing an error message or nonsense character message. It took more than 10 minutes to run through the entire process, from inputting personal information to completing the binding process, during on-site testing.

Su Tseng-chang, Premier:” Local governments and all types of businesses have released additional benefits. We have also specially created all types of facilities to make the quintuple stimulus vouchers easier to use. We welcome everyone to choose between the digital and paper versions in accordance with their consumption habits.”

Digital vouchers can be bound to credit cards, e-tickets, and mobile payment services. Some banks that are offering additional benefits also saw their websites crash, so they had to provide binding services by phone. Those in the same family that wish to bind their vouchers to a single credit card but don’t have a card reader at hand can use the National Health Insurance app. They will be given one-time passwords which can be used to complete the binding. They can also register for the additional vouchers issued by eight ministries. As of 10:30 a.m., which was one and a half hours after the quintuple stimulus vouchers official website went online, 1.61 million people had accessed the website. However, the number of people who successfully completed the binding process was only 330,000. Around 69,000 people completed the process to bind their vouchers together, which was a new option this year. Those who completed the digital binding process were directly given a voucher with a face value of NT$500 to spend on food, with four million up for grabs. 

Wang Mei-hua, Economic Affairs Minister:” Everyone, please take it easy. There are four million of them, so you should be able to get one.”

Taipei is also issuing 1.135 million of its own vouchers to seize business opportunities. These vouchers don’t need to be bound to the quintuple stimulus vouchers, and address or household registration aren’t considered. All that is required is downloading the TaipeiPASS app and using it to register to enter the draw. 




行政院長 蘇貞昌:「地方政府、各種商家都加倍加碼,我們這一次也特別對五倍券做出種種方便的設施,讓五倍券更好使用。歡迎大家都依自己的喜歡喜好習慣,選擇數位券或紙本券。」


經濟部長 王美花:「請大家不用那麼急,因為有高達四百萬份,應該都搶得到。」


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