
Up-to-date Scammer Claims to be MSF Doctor in Afghanistan 詐騙跟進時事 自稱阿富汗醫逃亡誆運費

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Scammers are at best "up-to-date" with their schemes. A woman in Kaohsiung said she was asked by a doctor who is currently working in Afghanistan and has an online relationship with her to send Bitcoin to help him get out of the country.

Women vs Police Officer:” (He claimed to be a doctor, right?) Yes, he claimed to be a doctor.” 

Showing the record of the conversation on the Line app, a woman in Kaohsiung claims to develop an online relationship with a man surnamed Chang. Chang said he is a Doctors Without Borders doctor in Afghanistan and told the woman to wire him money on August 15 as the US was retreating, so that he could come to Taiwan.

Lee Chi-nan, Cianjin Police Chief:” [The man] told her he wanted to come to Taiwan to meet her. He told her he needed to wire NT$320,000's worth of Bitcoin into a designated account to be able to pick up a package she'd sent him.” 

The woman knew nothing about Bitcoin and reached the police for help. It was until then she realized that was a scam, something that is prevalent on the internet.

Woman's Neighbor, Police Officer:” If you say you haven't been vaccinated, (the bank) won't let you withdraw money. [That's what she was told], so she wanted… (This issue doesn't exist in Taiwan.)”

Another woman went to a post office to cancel a NT$5 million fixed deposit and refused to say why. The post office called the police, who informed her she was being scammed.

Tung Meng-feng, Deputy Jianguo Police Chief:”She was told that if she hadn't been vaccinated, she wouldn't be allowed to withdraw money from a bank. She became concerned she wouldn't be able to withdraw her NT$5 million from the post office later on, so she decided to go to the post office to cancel her fixed deposit.”

It took a lot of convincing by the police and postal workers before the woman agreed to cancel her withdrawal and go home. Police say all possible scams or fake news should be reported to the police or relevant authorities.



受害婦人vs. 警方:「(他是自稱醫生對不對?)對,他自稱是醫生。」


高市警新興分局前金所長 李啟南:「他想來台與她認識,於是寄了一箱包裹需要購買新台幣32萬元的比特幣,匯入指定的帳戶才能領取該包裹。」


婦人2鄰居 vs. 警方:「你若是說沒有打疫苗,它(銀行)不讓你領錢,有這個問題所以她是想說(台灣沒有這個問題啊!)。」


高市警旗山分局建國派出所副所長 董孟峰:「訊息內容提到如果沒有打疫苗,就不能到銀行領錢,婦人深怕自己在旗山郵局內的新台幣5百萬定存以後會無法提領,才會打算前往車城郵局打算解除定存。」


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