
Seven Indicted in Fatal Partyworld Fire Case|錢櫃大火6死 董座練台生等7人遭起訴

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Cashbox Partyworld Chair Lien Tai-sheng and six other KTV employees have been accused of manslaughter and negligence after the fire at Partyworld's Linsen location in April took six lives. Prosecutors say the sprinkler and alarm systems were turned off due to ongoing construction, which caused the fire and smoke to spread. The Taipei City Government says it respects the judicial process.

Chairman Lien, Chairman Lien. Is there anything you want to say?

In April, a fire at Partyworld's Linsen location killed six. Partyworld Chair Lien Tai-sheng did not utter a single word when he was subpoenaed by prosecutors in May. Taipei prosecutors have wrapped up their five-month investigation and charged Lien with involuntary manslaughter and negligent injury. Partyworld says it will await the results of the investigation, while the Taipei City Government says it respects the judicial process.

We respect the judicial process. We have no further comment at this time.

After the fire on Apr. 26, the CEO of Partyworld directed Lien to do what he had to do and live up to his responsibilities. Partyworld executives also issued a public apology. However, prosecutors say Lien was the company official in charge of fire safety compliance and put profit over safety by not shutting down the location while construction was ongoing.

Prosecutors concluded Lien and the manager of the Linsen location, surnamed Weng, ignored fire safety regulations and were therefore responsible for six dead and 67 injured. Five others have been indicted along with Weng for violations to the Occupational Safety and Health Act.



台北市政府副發言人 林珍羽表示:「一切就是尊重司法程序啦!因為他們現在也都是司法範圍,所以我們也不便多做回應。」


台北地檢署偵查後認定,練台生在KTV建物的改建工程中,因為營收業績不顧公共安全,他與錢櫃林森店的翁姓店長等,疏於監督、維護或檢查相關的防火管理,導致在火災發生時,助漲濃煙蔓延,消費者逃生不及,造成 6人死亡67人受傷,因此,錢櫃林森翁姓店長等6人,也被依違反職業安全衛生法等罪起訴。
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