
Acting Mayor Will Continue Helping Me: Chen Chi-mai|陳:組有執行力團隊 代理市長楊明州續幫忙

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Kaohsiung City Mayor-elect Chen Chi-mai was asked about the public concern of when he will announce his Cabinet appointments, and said he has not even begun to put the list together but he would select candidates with relevant professional and executive capabilities and who can start working efficiently right away for his Cabinet.

Kaohsiung City Mayor-elect Chen Chi-mai and Economic Affairs Minister Wang Mei-hua attended a groundbreaking ceremony on the 17th for a new ASE plant. Chen said he is focused on putting together his Cabinet.

I won't base appointments on party affiliation, but on talent. I also don't care about gender. (Do they have to be Kaohsiung-based?) I've said it already, that I of course hope to choose people who are professional and local. I think (Yang Ming-chou) is a wonderful civil servant and in the future I will ask him to continue helping me with major city administration projects.

Chen said he has not started putting together the list but he would choose professional, capable people that can get into the groove right away. Chen also said Kaohsiung City Acting Mayor Yang Ming-chou would continue helping him.

It is the democratic responsibility of the city council and city councilors to scrutinize city projects. We will humbly ask our city councilors for guidance and direction in policy and municipal development. Everyone has their own opinion but everyone has the same goal.

Pan-blue Kaohsiung City councilors recently said they would have to keep a close watch on the city administration and they hope Chen lives up to expectations.


高雄市長當選人 陳其邁表示:「用人唯才,不分黨派,而且不分性別。(要高雄人嗎?)我其實都講過啦,就是說,我當然希望說,能夠專業優先,跟在地優先。我想他(楊明州)是一個很好的文官,未來我會請他能夠繼續幫忙,在市政的重大推動。」


高雄市長當選人 陳其邁表示:「在議會議員監督市政的推動,是民主的精神,我們都會很謙虛的,來向我們議員來,請他們指教。在政策上,尤其對高雄的發展,大家有不同的路徑、不同的方法,但是大家目標都一樣。」

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