Coronavirus Could Delay Release of iPhone SE2?|鄭州公告封閉式管理 恐衝擊鴻海首季產能

To prevent the coronavirus from spreading, PRC officials have implemented entry and exit controls and all provinces have announced "closed-off" management. Henan's Zhengzhou City announced on the afternoon of the 4th, the closure of all but one entryway at all government agencies. It is now a "semi-closed-off" city. Foxconn's iPhone assembly plant is in Zhengzhou and will be affected. One analyst says closed-off management could affect rework rates and the first quarter could be affected.
Apple is set to announce the latest iPhone SE2 this spring, but this may change due to the 2019 novel coronavirus epidemic. Foxconn, which runs Apple's top iPhone assembly plant, postponed the resumption of work after the Chinese New Year holiday. Henan's Zhengzhou City, where Foxconn's production base is located, announced the implementation of "closed-off management" across the city on the 4th as part of its prevention efforts. One industry analyst says this will affect rework rates and could indirectly affect Apple's production capacity.
With regards to terminal assembly, you are facing issues with whether to resume work and rework rates. Upstream, a certain percentage of phone component manufacturers will be affected, which in turn affects overall shipping performance.
In a statement, Foxconn said its target date of Feb. 10 for the resumption of work at most of its major plants in China remains unchanged and the controls and prevention measures implemented by China are only helping with preparations to resume work. Provinces and cities across China have announced various controls and measures in recent weeks, with 23 cities including Zhengzhou, Hangzhou and Wenzhou implementing closed-off management. There have also been reports such controls will be implemented in Jiangsu Province and Nanjing City. TSMC's 12-inch wafer plant is located in Nanjing and production could be affected.
The Nanjing plant accounts for just 6 percent of TSMC's overall revenues. (TSMC) will be affected, but I don't think the impact on its overall sales will be that much.
Foxconn's share price was stable on the 5th, while TSMC's rose slightly. One analyst says this was due to the ADR index rising 5 percent and China accounting for only 6 percent of TSMC's production capacity.
蘋果今年春季發表會,將發表新一代iPhone SE 2新機,不過,受武漢肺炎疫情衝擊,恐怕出現變數。蘋果手機最大組裝廠鴻海,春節已延後開工,而位在河南省鄭州市生產基地,4號下午宣布,將實施"封閉式"管理,落實"內防擴散"、"外防輸入",所有黨政機關、企事業單位、社區等,只留一個出入口,嚴格控管人員進出。產業分析師認為,"返工率"恐受到影響,間接衝擊蘋果產能。
台經院產業分析師 邱昰芳表示:「在終端組裝的部分,有本身開工與否,以及返工率的一個問題,另外在上游的一個手機零組件的廠商,部分的廠商,也會受到這樣子的一個影響,而影響到整個出貨的表現。」
萬寶投顧分析師 王榮旭表示:「這個南京廠的產能,大概占台積電的一個比例,整體營收比重大概只有6%,有影響,但影響整體台積電的一個業績,我認為是,不是很大。」