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There is a farm near Kaohsiung University in Kaohsiung's Nanzi district. The owner is a 55 year old man. When he was young, he was constantly in trouble and now he is a changed man, who started to grow pesticide-free vegetables and sells them at below market prices or even gives them away for free. ==CHOU CHING-HSU farmer== I give lettuce to people, if you are willing, if you are waiting, we just say 'yes' Picking vegetables and laughing, 55 year old farmer Chou Ching-hsu has a humorous attitude to life, so it is hard for anyone to believe that when he was young, he used to fight viciously and was always in trouble. Now he is a prodigal son returned home. He took over land left to him by his father and started to grow pesticide-free vegetables, giving them free to vulnerable families or to nearby residents. ==CHOU CHING-HSU farmer== We just do it like this, pesticide-free. If you use pesticides and given them to people and then they eat them, you are poisoning people. Without any help, Chou learned how to work the area of land by himself. He grows ten kinds of vegetables, including sweet potato leaves, garden lettuce, and sweet corn. These are all pesticide-free and healthy and are loved by local residents and university students. At the same time, he opened his farm up to the public to pick vegetables and enjoy farming. ==CHOU CHING-HSU farmer== Of course, I'm very happy. They can all be eaten. They can buy if they want. I just say that's ok. I'm just giving them away. Every day at sunrise he starts and does not rest until sundown, he now leads a very different life from when he was fighting, but he says he enjoys this simple life much better. TRANSLATED BY:CLARE LEAR 高雄楠梓區高雄大學附近,有一處佔地280多坪的愛心農場,農園主人55歲的周清旭,年輕時曾經大小過錯不斷,如今浪子回頭,在自家農地上以無毒農法,種植各式蔬菜,用低於市價,或是免費提供給附近民眾。 大陸妹我用多一點給人家 你有沒有同意 是不是在等了 唉喲 有點頭 一邊摘菜一邊開玩笑,55歲的菜農周清旭,笑看人生的態度,讓人很難想像,年輕時代,逞凶鬥狠,曾經大小過錯不斷,如今浪子回頭,接手父親留下的農地,以無毒農法種植蔬菜,分送給弱勢家庭,或是隨意賣給附近民眾。 ==菜農 周清旭== 我就用這樣沒有噴農藥 如果噴藥要給人家 噴了人家採去吃 要毒死人家 將近一分地的農地,周清旭無師自通,種了地瓜葉、大陸妹和玉米等近10種農作物,無毒又健康的蔬菜,深獲附近居民和大學生喜愛,同時,他也開放給民眾自採,讓大家體驗農作生活。 ==菜農 周清旭== 當然很高興 都可以吃的 我就都給人家 他們要買沒關係哪一種 我就照這樣講 等於送他們哪有關係 每天日出而作、日落而息,和過去靠拳頭生活,截然不同,但他說,簡單生活反而更開心自在。 記者 李淑蘭 孟昭權 高雄報導
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