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Devastated by several typhoons in recent years, the Lushan Hot Spring in Nantou has been set aside as a nature reserve by the central government. The county government has designated Fuxing Farm as the new hot spring district and hopes to relocate hot spring business owners in two years. However, some owners refuse to leave because of insufficient supporting measures. The county government says it will continue the communication with them. The famous Lushan Hot Spring District seems quiet without tourists. The government hopes to relocate businesses here to Fuxing Farm in 2 years. However, some business owners refuse to move because they are not satisfied with the compensation plan and supporting measures. ==HUANG YING-CHUAN, head of the Lushan business advocacy group== We will only relocate or leave when the government answers to our requests. The government has not responded to us and halted negotiations since they obtained our consent forms. We have been deceived. When the hot springs culture in Taiwan began to sprout 25 years ago, Lushan Hot Spring was the go-to place for many people. After Typhoon Sinlaku and Morakot, the central government decided to turn it into a protected area, so businesses here must move. ==LI CHENG-WEI, head of Nantou County Department of Construction== We have compensated legal land and private property owners in the area three times with a total of more than hundreds of millions of dollars. Illegal property owners and those unlawfully occupied lands, including reserve lands for indigenous people, will not be compensated. The government will invest NT$3.3 billion on the 55-hectare Fuxing Farm and open a public tender next month. The development is expected to be completed in 2018. Meanwhile, the government will continue to communicate with those who are unwilling to relocate. TRANSLATED BY:LUKE CHIANG 知名的南投縣廬山溫泉,街道上看得出相當冷清,南投縣府目前正在開發埔里福興農場,希望在兩年後,能將盧山當地的業者遷入,讓廬山溫泉正式走入歷史,不過部分業者認為,補償和購地的配套不足,至今仍不願配合遷建。 ==廬山溫泉自救會長 黃櫻娟== 廬山溫泉的人要遷村 是有條件的 我們要下山 配合政府的政策 也是有條件的 目前我們的條件 他們全部都沒接受 這些同意書拿到手上以後 就關起這些協商的大門了 我們遇到詐騙集團 只能這麼講 25年前,國內泡湯文化興起,號稱「天下第一泉」的廬山溫泉,曾是許多民眾的首選,但2008年的的辛樂克風災,土石流造成數棟溫泉飯店,橫倒在河床上,隔年又遭莫拉克颱風重創之後,中央已經將廬山地區劃為,保護區和河川區,縣府表示,搬遷勢在必行。 ==南投縣建設處長 李正偉== 屬於合法土地 跟私有合法建物的部分 私有合法建物的部分 是有補償費的發放 而且發放了三次 然後也發放了好幾億元 但是在屬於非合法建物 佔用土地的部分 包括原住民保留地的部分 在法令上 它是不能有 相關的補償費發放 南投縣府表示,埔里福興農場溫泉區約55公頃的土地,縣政府投入33億,下個月將要進行招標,預計107年底會完成開發,會持續與不願遷建的溫泉業者協調,讓廬山地區能夠回歸大自然。 記者邱植培 彭煥群 南投報導
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